02: The Cabinet Meeting

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Deleted Scene #2: The Cabinet Meeting
This scene was cut from chapter six, I had the worst time writing that chapter. This scenes original purpose was to set you up to meet Dream and for some Quackity scenes. I wanted to show their friendship, but in the end this didn't fit in with everything, but I think it has really cute moments and goes into Quackity's character.


You drum your fingers against the table, letting out a loud yawn as your dad goes on about some new policies, Tubbo frantically writing them down.

Quackity sits between you and Schlatt, looking equally as bored, no sign of George anywhere.

But that's how it normally goes, isn't it?

Quackity leans back in his chair, extending his arms behind his head. He turns toward you, raising an eyebrow.

"What? Enjoying the view?"

"You wish."

"How'd you know?"

"My dad is right there."

"I like a good challenge."

Much to Quackity's likeness (forget the word, help me), you let out a small laugh, turning away from him while bitting your lip. He smiles to himself, spinning his chair so he faces you directly, completely disregarding whatever new topic Schlatt had moved onto.

"You having fun?"

"Please, exile sounds like the real deal right now."

"I'll join you," Quackity hummed, equally unamused with being stuck listening to Schlatt ramble on. Quackity was business man, not a politician and certainly not a vice president. It wasn't Schlatt listened to him anyway. Any policy he tried to get passed was shut down immediately and Quackity had this sinking feeling that Schlatt wasn't exactly a democratic leader.

He was a drunk, that's what he was. Being Schlatt's vice president felt more like being his personal caretaker, making sure he takes his meds and doesn't drink on the job.

It was exhausting and not what Big Q signed up for.

All he wanted was to feel like he belonged somewhere. It seemed like all his life he'd spent walking this world with no one besides himself.

Certainly that wasn't a bad thing, but he never had a home, a family to come back to and it bothered him. All the time he was children returned to their parents, friends hugging each other after spending month apart and couples embracing each other like the moment they let go the other would disappear.

It quite literally ruffled his feathers.

"You're the one that made the coalition with him," You scoffed.

"Maybe so." Quackity shrugs, "but I didn't sign up to care of a drunk."

"I could give you a few tips."

"Oh please, write them down."

You laugh, taking the notepad and pen from him, "You're serious?"

"You're not?"

You quickly get to writing, trying to recall the few things that helped you get through your time with Schlatt. It's not much, but you hope it's enough to sustain Quackity for a bit. You know you shouldn't be befriending the enemy, but Quackity didn't seem so bad.

He seemed quite harmless, maybe bit of a flirt, but deep down he truly seemed like a good guy, just on the wrong side.

You continue joking with him through the meeting, making small jabs at his ego as he continues making snide comments and flirtatious remarks.

"(Y/N)," Schlatt said, grabbing your attention.


"Dream wants to see you, 3 o'clock sharp."



"Someone's in trouble," Quackity cackles as you glare at him.

"Did he say what about?"

Schlatt shrugs, "territories."

— END —

this one ends abruptly because I realized there was no point to it, so I just stopped LMAOO

also yes, it's canon that Quackity has duck wings :)

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