09: The Ghost

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Deleted Scene #8: The Ghost
This was cut from chapter 23. It was just too long and I felt this scene wasn't important to the plot. It just hints at Ranboo's voice and the bond between (Y/N) and Techno. It was just filler until I realized how long the actual piece for ghostbur's revival was.

The knock on the door startles you from your book.

"Can you get that?" Techno calls out from his place in the kitchen.

"Sure!" You replied, closing your book and setting it back on the coffee table. You swing the door open, ready to greet whoever was there.

Your smile instantly drops, and you take a step back, startled. You'd never get used to the darkness swirling in his eyes.

"Hello, (Y/N)."

"Ghostbur, hey."

"How are you? Would you like some blue?" He doesn't let you answer and fishes around in his pocket for the blue stones before dropping them in your hand. His cold hands barely brush yours, but you can see the faint blue mark it leaves and the slight burn.

"Thanks," You said. "Do you need something?"

Ghostbur nods. "Yes, I'm looking for dad and my brother."

"Oh," You breathe out. "Techno?"

The said boy hums, brushing his hands on his apron before entering the parlor.

"Hey, Techno!" Ghostbur said, giving a small wave.

His brother (it is his brother, right? You're not quite sure how ghost family tree works) waves back. He comes to stand behind you. "What's up?"

"Looking for dad."

"Wrong house, then. He's across." Techno uses his spatula to point to the house across the way.

He almost hits your head in the process and scowl at him. He just pats your head in response, like a small child in need of counseling.

Ghostbur thanks Techno before turning to leave, when you don't follow he asks why.

You raise a brow. "I didn't know I was supposed to."

Ghostbur blinks. "Well, you are."
Techno chuckles at that and you follow Ghostbur to Phil's house. When the blond opens the door you point to Ghostbur.

"Phil, it's time."

You have no idea what Ghostbur is talking about, but Phil does. His face pales a bit and he nods, retreating back into his house to fetch something. He comes back with a backpack and a solemn look on his face.

You still feel like you're out of the loop.

"Where's Ranboo?"

"I'll get him," You volunteer.

Phil gestures for you to go and you do. The Enderboy's house is tucked into a corner, stone bricks covering the outside. It was a cute little place. You knock on the wood door, calling his name. He doesn't answer and you shake the handle a bit, but you find it unlocked.

"Ranboo?" You shout. "Hello?"

There's plush carper beneath your feet, half black and white with a dash of red and green. It was like a pixelated version of him.

Maybe he's upstairs, you think. You take a few steps up there, glancing around and looking for him.



You let out a yelp, turning to face him. He's downstairs, looking just as startled as you. His hair is tousled,  but otherwise he looks to be in one piece.

"Sorry," he said quickly. "I didn't mean to scare you!"

"It's okay," you assure. "Phil and Ghostbur are looking for you."

Ranboo nods, his black and white hair falling in his face. "Do you know why?"

You shrug. "Something about its time."

"Oh," Ranboo said, then thought about it. "Oh."

"What?" You ask. "What's happening?"

Ranboo fidgets with the cuffs of his suit. "They'rerevivingwilburtoday."

"Pardon?" You said, not catching a single word of what he said.

The boy sighs. "They're reviving Wilbur today."

"What?" Your voice is barely above a whisper. You knew Ghostbur had spoken of this when L'manberg was destroyed, but that was at least a month or two ago. You figured the matter had dropped since then. The only person that could do it was Dream so unless he came back...

No, he wouldn't be back so soon. There's no way.

"They're gonna try," Ranboo adds for good measure. "Eret says he has an idea, but it's back in L'manberg."

"I think I'll sit this one out then," you said, turning to go back to Techno's.

Ranboo grabs your wrist, gripping it very lightly so he doesn't hurt you. "No! You can't. They need you."

You snort, "I hardly doubt that."

"Please," He begs.

It only takes a few seconds before you gave in.

"Yes!" Ranboo cheers. "I'm useful for once!"

You bump shoulders with Ranboo. "You're always useful, Mr. Boo."

"Thanks, but I just feel like I owe Techno and Phil more for taking me in."

You open the door, letting him through and closing it behind you. "It certainly isn't like Techno to do this out of the kindness of his heart — that's a joke."

"Is it?" Ranboo questions.

You laugh at that.

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