06: The Fight

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Deleted Scene #5: The Fight
This scene was part of chapter seven, but during the editing process I made so many cuts that I ended up not having a place for this scene at all. I'm still really sad it didn't make it because I think it's so well done and shows the reality of the L'manberg cabinet. also Quackity.

"You've all made no progress," Schlatt said harshly, slamming his hands down on his desk.

Tubbo flinches, frowning as his father scowls at him.

"God," Schlatt laughed, setting his bottle of whiskey, or whatever it was back down. "I give you all one simple order and you can't even do it? Even my vice president can't do shit!"

Quackity laughs bitterly, standing up from his chair, "Oh really? Is that the case? Who's the one taking of your drunk ass every night! I'd say we've done a hell out of lot more work then you have."

"Some president you are," You mumbled under your breath.

"Shut the fuck up!" Schlatt shouted, pointing a finger at you. "I'm trying to fix this family, can't you two appreciate that?"

You scoff, "you can't fix what's already broken, dad. In case you haven't noticed, you banished our two best friends!"

"They were annoying anyway! There was no room for them here."

You stand up from your chair as it clatter to the floor, anger surging through your veins. "We didn't ask for you to come here! We were perfectly fine without you!"

Schlatt shakes his head, "No, no, you listen to me. I am trying to put us back together again."

"Have you ever considered maybe we don't want too?" Tubbo asked, meeting his dad's eyes with the same fever of yours.

"You're my children, my son!"

"How can you call him your son when you've barely ever been a father?" You asked quietly.

Quackity who you forget was even in the room gasps, "Oh shit."

Schlatt sighs deeply, "I am trying."

"No," Tubbo said, "No you're not, if you were trying you wouldn't still be a stumble drunk."

You use your sleeve to dab at the corner of your eyes, trying to fight the tears that were so ready to fall. You couldn't let Schlatt see you like this, not Tubbo and especially not Quackity.

You were strong and you didn't care about Schlatt words, about all the memories this brought back.

They were in the past, you were stronger now.

You didn't need his approval, you didn't need him. Such a father figure he had been, where was he when you did need him?

He didn't get to come back, take over a country and force you and your brother to become members of his cabinet and expect everything to go back to normal.

It didn't work that way.

You're not sure what else there is to say, and neither is Tubbo, the both of you just stand there in silence.

"If you wanted to be their father, you should've been there for them," Quackity said, startling you. "You should've apologized to them and asked what you could've done better and instead you waltz into the new life they created for themselves and exiled their best friends, the people that actually cared for them and forced them to do your bidding. That's not being a father, that's being a dictator."

He walks towards the exit, before turning around to a devastated Schlatt.

"You know what's funny? You won't even remember this tomorrow morning."

With that, Quackity grabs your hand and you almost pull it out of his grasp, but something stops you and you let him pull you through the door, Tubbo right on your heels.

— END —

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