filler 💚

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Narrator's POV:

Now presenting 

Mattia's life:

You see Mattia gets mad easily and once he does, he does anything to get it his way , it's called Intermittent explosive disorder bc the next thing you know there's an outbreak. He turns evil out of know where, happens often that the twins mom had to take him to a rehab center . He's been that way after his uncle died , that situation was hard to get over especially since the twins were very close to him bc their father wasn't there for them. 

Mattia was three when his uncle died, he didn't cry- well he did, but he was mostly mad that he died. What can you say he was three he didn't know what happened. He gets mad that nobody is there for him, nobody to look up to. 

Yeah, his mom was there. But it wasn't the same as his uncle. He developed so much anger that he couldn't control it at the age of 11. (He never went to public school just online.) His mom had enough of it, she physically had to tie him up in order for him to get treatment.

The therapist recommended Mattia at the age of 15 to do something to get his mind off of his "anger world" 

Since then Mattia found Tiktok and new friends, where he was easily distracted from the "anger world" 

Yeah- he still would have it but not as often. Mattia thought that he's safe from the past since he's 17. His friends would joke on him telling him he has mood swings. But Mattia worries he would return back to his old ways.

Even though he has socials he also vapes only bc it helps him relax whenever he felt overwhelmed so he doesn't go back to his old ways.

But the social media platform he has was distracting him so much he gained a soft spot so you could never tell he ever gets angry a lot. And ever since Kairi moved to NJ three months ago, Mattia was very far from his "anger world" cuz he liked the tiny human.


Narrator's POV:

Now presenting

Lily's life:

Lily- she's another story, she has Dissociative identity disorder but only has two sides. She too was sent to rehab along with her brother  when their mom found out she was crazy.

Lily was three, the most father figure she ever had was her uncle. And just like Mattia they cried when they heard the news. But all the crying effected her emotional stability which turned into anger. 

The anger turned her to another human being. Same body just different personalities. She too never went to public school just online. That's why she says "she never talks back at a teacher" bc she believes she didn't. In reality she never experienced public school until she was 15.

Since they both had "angry issues" the therapist recommended the same thing. Unlike Mattia, Lily found interests in repairing technology and doing art. She expresses her feelings in music.  This helped her get distracted from her "other person". 

Unfortunately she doesn't like talking to other people. She is scared that they would have to see her other side , she didn't mean to create. That's why she became anti-social but for her it's better that way. She likes the silence and loves to do her own things. 

Eventually her "other person" was not effecting her. And now she's very nice, the last visit to rehab the therapist officially told the twins they are back to normal. Or so they thought. 


The twins lived a "normal life" for five years. Even tho they have been apart (rehab) their friendship was still strong. They never fought each other physically. 

Yes, arguments happen here and there but they can't stand being mad at each other more than ten minutes.   

Now before y'all hoes ask why did their uncle's death caused them to turn evil. The twins never had a father, and since their father wasn't able to be present in the twins life, the mom's brother stepped in. He would be the father figure with the little ones, he would be there when they needed him. The twins were so close to him they even celebrated father's day with him. Now, the twins never thought their time would stop with him. 

November 22, 2006 they day their uncle died. Most devastated day of their lives. No one knows what happened but- it remains unsolve. 


The twins past lives remained in the dark. But soon the past comes back. 

Now we may continue on this story.




Anyways might post chapter 7 tomorrow or Wednesday 

twin brother: Mattia P. 🦋Where stories live. Discover now