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Narrator's POV:

"You never had a first kiss!?" Alvaro screeched

"Shhhhh.... Alvaro, your fucking too loud." Lily pointed out as they received a couple of stares.

"What yall staring at! I know we fine but DAM!" Kairi yelled.

"lowkey... same" the wasian said

"well I had mine but then things didn't work out so" Alvaro stated 🤷‍♀️

The trio spent their lunch time talking and getting to know each other which wasn't hard                               bc they all had a very close connection with each other. Meanwhile ....                                    Mattia and Alejandro


Still in Narrator's POV:

Mattia and Ale had sat in the tables by the restroom, its where they always sit with their other friends Mar, Samy, Roshuan and Robert.

"Have any of y'all seen the new kid?" asked Roshuan.

"What new kid?" replied Mar.

"Al-Albert sum shit like that?" Robert explained 

"Oh you mean Alvaro? or sum shit like that idk but he's in sum of my classes." replied Samy

"well dam- didn't know you liked guys bro-" Mar said

"I actually don't- I noticed him and a girl with another kid came in my first period late and got detention." responded Samy.

"idc about the new kid but I'm trying to find the girl that was with him" speaked Roshuan.

"bruh- but you asked about the new kid didn't you?" Mattia barged in the convo(little does Mattia know)

" can you guys just SHUT UP" ale whispered yelled.

"my guy, what's wrong with you?" asked Mar

"don't worry ab it he saw this kid and he thinks he likes him but then again thinks he doesn't have a chance" Mattia answered

"well...don't bust it till you try it" Robert patted his back

"idk man... my trust issues are high as well as my commitment issues" Ale spoke

"welp- sounds like a personal problem don't you think?" Mattia said

"your supposed to be my best friend and support me, fucking bitch not let me down" Ale growled at his dino wanna be  friend.

"well if I was you I won't consider him as a bestfriend bc he and vi-*ouch*" Samy groaned as he felt Mar punch his stomach

"he and who did what?, speak up I didn't get the rest-" Ale tried to say as Mattia and Robert were loudly, nervously laughing at something.

"Why don't you tell us what he looks like bro-" Roshuan said punching his shoulder

"oh- uh, he's small and very curvy with a lot of ass and he has glasses on which makes him ten times as more cute than -" (ale got cut off)

twin brother: Mattia P. 🦋Where stories live. Discover now