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Narrator's POV:

Lily quickly got up from her bed.

"I'm gonna come back" Lily stated

"oh - okay" Mattia responded

She ran to the kitchen, grabbing some sodas and a big bag of takis (eh). She went to the room setting it down on her night stand. Mattia was so caught on to Vol.2 of My Hero Academia. (shits good) . He didn't move his eyes out of the tv.

This made Lily think, she didn't want to bother him, he looked happy again.

" shit. I'll jump on him another time" she said to herself.

"Come on, Lily you missed the good parts" Mattia said, scooting over and patted the spot for her to sit next to him.

To them it wasn't weird, they both had came out the same hole soo.....

They didn't mind sitting next to each other, it's just a sibling thing- honestly they aint cuddling.

"I thought you went to the restroom" Mattia said as another episode was loading

"Nah, figured that you wanted sprite-" Lily got interrupted

"And Takis?" Mattia asked opening the bag, instantly coughing bc of the smell of spice.

"yeah, idiot" Lily said as she jumped on the bed only to end up Mattia pushing her off mid-air.


"ouch!" Lily said giggling

Then they heard footsteps coming down the stairs quickly. The mother had slammed the door wide open.

"IS everything alright- I heard someone fall and-" she paused trying to catch her breath.

The twins looked at each other trying to hold in their laughs. But Mattia couldn't hold it.

"Mamma, were good " Mattia laughed

"yeah, where did you come from, looks like you just ran a marathon" Lily laughed

Their mom just looked at them crazy and left.

"well.... that was"

"stupid, i know" Lily laughed

They looked at the tv, seeing if the episode had loaded, earning groans from both of them.

"well, since we are waiting lemme see your phone"

"But you already did" Lily stated

"well yeah, but we gotta make an account idiot."


Mattia grabbed her phone, opening it with his face.

"Never trust face ID" Mattia said

twin brother: Mattia P. 🦋Where stories live. Discover now