Chapter three

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As Dream fell to the ground Tommy pulled out his sword. He looked up and saw whoever had helped him had vanished. He sighs. He goes back into his tent one last time and goes through his chest. After a couple minutes of digging he found what he was looking for. After looking at it for a few seconds he put it on.

Tommy's smile goes into a anxious state when he hears Ghostbur nearby

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Tommy's smile goes into a anxious state when he hears Ghostbur nearby. He doesn't want him to know. He snuck around to the other side of the tent and ran for it when Ghostbur had found Dreams body. He felt a little guilty for Ghostbur finding Dreams dead corpse but knew that if it was any of the others they would look for him immediately. Sighing, he went through the neather portal. (Fun fact my ELA teachers name has Neather in it!!) As he walked around the neather thoughts ran through his mind. One thought was that of Wilbur encouraging Tommy to be the bad guy with him. As he pondered about it more he failed to realize that he was agreeing with Wilburs ideas more than he did before.. He smiles as he thinks deeper in the thoughts that Wilbur once had pondered in Pogtopia. He smiled wider when a familiar thought popped into his head. Lets go apeshit He stops walking and stares at the lava. His smile stops for a second until a thought goes into his head. He smiles again as he continues to walk to no where in particular. He stops a few minutes later when he hears someone walking behind him. He plays it off as looking at the lava again but in reality he is using his prefrial vision for checking who is there. He freezes when he sees who it is. He has two thoughts playing at the same time. run away from him he abandond you, run to him he is your best friend. What he does is turn around and stare at him. Tubbo looks Tommy in the eyes. The contest of who will blink first when Tubbo runs to Tommy crying. Tommy just stands there as Tubbo sobs on the broken teen. "I am s- so sorry T-Tommy!!" He sobs as Tommy starts to hug Tubbo. Sure he might not fully trust him anymore, or fully consider himself his friend, but he still cares for the dyslexic teen. As soon as Tubbo let go, Tommy held him as arms length, holding his shoulders and looking at him. "You have-" "I know dont remind me!" Tubbo groans. Tommy laughs a little. "You have wings." Tubbo points out. "I've always had them, I just never ussed them." Tubbo looks at them for a while until noticing the jacket. "Is that-?" "Wilburs jacket? Yeah.." Tommy goes silent. "You know Tubbo I've been thinking about what Wilbur told us.." Tubbo looks at Tommy with a nutreal look that could change in an instant. "About blowing Lmanburg up.." Tommy looked at Tubbo and saw him smiling. " I remember you telling me about that and I have been thinking the exact same thing." Tommy smiles at his old friend and lets go of his shoulders. "You agree?" Tubbo walks next to Tommy. "More than you could ever imagine." Tommy smiles and looks Tubbo in his eyes.

"Then lets make Wilbur proud."
"Hell yeah."

POGGERS I AM ON A ROLL!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOO HELL YEAH BITCH!! also suck it green boi ya ded-

i hope yall enjoyed this chapter cause i used a laptop with keyboard. no not a laptop. its a laptop but you can attatch to a keyboard. I will be using my phone for spellcheck!!

Oh HELL YEAH I SPELLED EVERYTHING RIGHT!!!! *happy writer noises*

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