(1) Learning About The Loud Verse

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*It has been two days since the loud house was under attack, luckily we were able to put the fire out but we had to stay in a hotel for a couple of weeks until they get everything repaired, Lori and Leni were resting on the bed, Luna was fixing her guitar which was broken in the ambush, Luan was trying to lighten up the mood but everybody didn't seem to want to hear her jokes at the moment, Lynn Jr was down at the fitness room to practice boxing, My Mii had to make a few calls to his family to tell him that he's going to be gone for a little while, Lincoln was down at the pool with Rita and Lynn Sr but they weren't swimming.... Okay maybe they were, but other than that they are talking about how they can deal with this alternate universe, Lucy is busy coming up with a poem about what we're facing right now, Lana and Lola aren't seeing eye-to-eye but perhaps they're doing the best they can to keep a good heart to try and not fight. Finally, Lisa and I are trying to come up with an idea to see it how we can cross the Multiverse, and end whoever attacked us.*

Me: I'm just glad we were able to bandage all of you up, we're going to need all the help we can get.

Lisa: You definitely got that right, Male Species, Because some of that Multiverse could either be mean or it could be nice.

Me: We have no idea what's out there, but our only hope is to investigate, & hope for the best.

Lisa: Go ahead and get yourself something to eat I'll finish up everything here.

Me: You sure?

Lisa: Yes, Of Course.

Me: Alright, let me know if you need anything.

*I exit the Door and head down to the Café, to get myself some lunch*

*25 Minutes Later*

Lisa: *Gasp* Unbelievable... this... this is the discovery of a lifetime! *Takes An Earpiece* Everybody get up here I think I know how we can cross the Multiverse!

Me: We Will Be Right there.

*5 Minutes Later*

Lisa: Now all ears on me, this was the hardest thing I ever done, I was able to encrypt a computer code to go forward in time to find many alternate universes.

Mii: How Many Did you find?

Lisa: 6.

Me: And How Many of them Are Bad?

Lisa: 1.

Me: Show Us The Different Universes, That Way I Can Come With A Plan.

*Lisa Encrypts into the Universes on the Screen which gives us a Visionary Image Of what the Different Universes are Like*

*10 Minutes In*

Me: Lisa, I thought you said only one of these universes was bad. Why do I feel like there's more bad universes out there?

Lisa: You are just seeing the root of the Universe, male species. Given time. But you may want to shut your eyes for the next part.

Me: What do you me- Oh... *I saw what was on the screen the very moment I saw it* what on Earth is happening in that universe?

Lisa: That Universe, male species is called "L stands for" the sisters in that universe are as bad as Lincoln is forced to have sex with them.

Me: In Other words...

Sisters: DON'T SAY IT!!!

Luna: Please.

Me: oh, you know already. Okay, that's fine. All right, so now we know that is the bad Universe we are up against.

The Loud Of Silence 3: Infiltration of The Loud-VerseWhere stories live. Discover now