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Harper Grant is currently sitting in the Slytherin common room awaiting a letter of disapproval from her parents, she had just been sorted into Slytherin last night and couldn't be more worried, her parents are known for being a family of Ravenclaw's but Harper has broken that legacy by being put into the one and only, unlike Ravenclaw, Slytherin is known for being cunning, intelligent and mainly, evil, she3 was scared that her parents may not except her, she was right, once her owl returned, everything changed, her parents no longer cared that much about her, they never owled unless necessary and Harper hardly went home.

semester two, year one-

"hello class" professor Lockhart bellowed, walking down his stairs that lead up to his office

"yes yes, I know most of u must be overjoyed by me being your teacher but I must ask that the autographing be at the end of the lesson" a few girls whine but the boys and two girls grinned, those two girls included of Harper and another girl, fiery red hair, beautiful blue eyes, Ginny Weasley, although Harper may not except it, she does believe Ginny to be one of the hottest girls in the school along with Ginny's friend in Ravenclaw, Luna Lovegood, she often wonders why she had to be placed in Slytherin, if only I was in a better house, Harper thinks to her self, maybe she would make more friends, or maybe her parents might love her. 

"Miss Weasley, there's a spare seat next to this lovely lady, come sit here please" he points towards Harper, Ginny stands up and moves awfully slowly to her seat

"Morning" Harper says shyly to Ginny, Ginny doesn't reply, she just looks to the teacher and listens, well, not really, both of the girls sit there glaring at each other and making fun of their teacher, by the end of class, they both separate ways and go to find others from their group, Harper slowly makes her way towards the Slytherin table in the great hall and takes a seat next to Pansy Parkinson 

"Hello Pansy" Harper sits down greeting her 'acquaintance', Pansy just nods to the girl and goes back to gossiping with her friends, Harper looks around the hall in hopes of finding someone to talk to, she soon meets the eyes of a specific Gryffindor currently getting her hair screwed up by her older twins brothers, Fred and George were known for pranking and mischief in the school, they often pranked Slytherins, well, more like daily, Harper blames it all on Draco Malfoy and his gang, she has caught him trash talking the Weasley family and other family he calls blood traitors and mud-bloods, honestly, Harper find it disgusting since everyone is different and pure in their own way. Ginny soon makes eye contact with Harper and smiles but soon goes back to play fighting with her brothers, I guess Harper may have a friend after all...

year 3-

Ginny and Harper have both given up on a public friendship between the two because of her brothers, Fred and George both found out that the two were talking and pranked Harper into oblivion, the two pranksters placed itching powder into her clothes as well as died her hair pink for a week, Harper ditched classes and meals for an entire week out of embarrassment and Ginny didn't talk to her after that, not only did the two not talk, they both thought the other hated them, Ginny never contacted Harper because she thought that Harper thought it was her fault that she was pranked, Harper thought that Ginny finally realised that she was a Slytherin and didn't want to talk to Harper anymore. 

"um- Harper do you mind if I join you?" Harper nods as Ginny sits down next to her under the tree

"I understand why u hate me" Ginny poured out, Harper sat there shocked at the comment

"wait what? I thought u hated me" the two of them talked for a while explaining why they never hung out anymore, soon enough, a week past and rumour spread that the two of them were friends, the Weasley twins often came up to Harper to scare her but Ginny would always be there to defend her best friend, Ginny also introduced Harper to Luna, she was odd and a bit weird but over all, kind, Harper loved her new friends more then anything. it was afternoon and they were all lying under the tree by the lake, her, Ginny and Luna, then a group of Slytherins decided to come over and ruin their time

"look who it is! the blood-traitors and a Weasley" snarled Malfoy

"go away Malfoy" they group of fourth years walk closer (Pansy, Blaise and Draco)

"Be nice Grant" Harper rolls her eyes at the girl she used to talk to

"I'm guessing you're gonna be staying at school once again for Christmas?" Harper clenches her fists at the blondes cockiness

"for your information Malfoy, Harper isn't staying at school, she is coming home with me" the group of Slytherins snicker

"So your that lonely that you join filthy blood traitor family's who have no money, good job" Harper walks towards the Malfoy boy and raises her wand

"watch our mouth Malfoy" she snarls, Draco simply laughs at the little girl, a year younger and still tries to stand up to me on her own, Slytherin for sure, although she could've gone for Gryffindor too, Draco thinks

"Or what, you're gonna call your daddy?" anyone who was watching could see how infuriated Harper became, she lowered her wand calmly placing it back in her pocket

"that's what I thought, coward" Harper had reached her limit, she quickly pulls her arm back and WHAM punches the arrogant toe rag in the nose, hearing a crack underneath her fist she knows she broke it, Draco falls to the floor and the two other kids there start towards Harper, that is, until, Fred and George decide to make an appearance, they quickly stand next to the girl protecting her and her friends

"Oh look, u need protectors" Harper lunged at the blonde once more, smacking her fist into his face multiple times over until a strong pair of arms picks Harper up, she stops what she's doing and looks behind her, Fred is smirking at her as if he was proud and carrying her back to the group

"Jeez Harps, I didn't know u knew how to throw a punch, let alone win a fight" Harper chuckled at Ginny's remark and looks towards the group of Slytherins who were now running for there life's 

"Why did u punch him in the first place?" Fred asks in pure joy, although he didn't need a reason to be happy she punched him, he wanted to know what set the calm girl off

"He uh-" Ginny interrupts Harper happily

"He insulted me and our family, as well as Luna's" the two Weasley twins scowl but soon smirk at Harper

"so u protected Ginny?" George asks happily

"yes! she did" the two twins glance at each other before walking towards the Slytherin girl

"look I get it, u don't want me hanging out with your sibling but can u not try to kill me?" Harper held up her hands to stop them from moving closer

"thank you" the twins say in unison, they both engulf her in a hug as the two girls laugh

"your welcome?" Ginny clears her throat and gets the attention of us

"so u guys like her now right?" both the twins nod their head with a smirk

"great! cause Harper is staying at the burrow for Christmas" Harper looks as surprised as the twins

"she is?"

"I am?!" Ginny chuckles at her friends response

"of course! my mum said your allowed as long as you and your parents are ok with it" Harper looks to the boys then back to Ginny

"sure! if I'm not intruding then I would love to" Ginny smiles widely 

"your not intruding, just tell us if your parents allow it" 

"yeah they do" the twins look at Harper confused as to how she knew that before asking

"parents don't care about me anymore, I'm able to do whatever I want when I'm not home" they all have a look of sadness and pity on their faces and harper notices

"It's honestly fine guys, I didn't really like them anyway" that night, Harper sent a letter to her parents telling them she was staying at school for Christmas to work and got to packing, soon enough, she drifted off to sleep with her bags packed and ready for the next two weeks 

ok guys this is my first ever book so I hope whoever reads this enjoys. I know this isn't very good but stay with me! it will get better

E.L xx

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