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"my daddy's got a gun, my daddy's got a gun, my daddy's got a gun, you better run."
"𝑝𝑢𝑛𝑘 𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑏𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ"


the noise of the festivals music filled the groups ears, as they split up to go to their spots. willie and laurie went to the middle of the dance circle, while billy went to hide behind a tent. maria sat up in front of the tent billy was hidden behind and saya went off somewhere on her motorcycle.

willie tapped laurie on her shoulder, nodding his head towards a boy in a blue, red, and white jacket, who was looking around frantically. "oh my god he's baked." laurie whispered. willie went up to him, laurie following close behind. marcus looked at the two with red eyes, then looked towards maria who wore face paint and her long red dress.

"yo, dude, the feds." willie pointed towards the cops coming after marcus. the cops coming at a faster pace now, marcus took off running. laurie pointed her lip gloss at the ground, shooting the laser out right where the guards feet were. they both let out a groan, giving maria time to twirl over and slice their legs with her fan. a few more cops came running, but soon got knocked down by billy, who smashed his skateboard in their faces.

"let's go." they all took off running towards the way they seen marcus run too. turning around the corner, they saw saya fighting off two police guards, while marcus backed up. "pathetic." laurie said, earning the attention of marcus. the boys quickly put the bag over marcus's head and helped saya.


willie pulled the bag off of the boys head, the boy letting out a heavy breath. marcus studied the people before him. the dude who warned him about the feds, the girl that was with him. a boy with green hair that he's never seen before, the girl that had the face paint on, and the girl from the motorcycle.

"he's cute." maria said. laurie nodded agreeing with her. they giggled and continued to do each other's nails. "yeah total hobo fancy cover boy material." billy added, causing even saya to laugh. marcus ignored them talking about his looks and looked down at his tied up figure.

"he don't look like no psychopath to me." willie started. he leaned down into marcus's face, the other boy trying not to make eye contact. "what you say mad dog? you the psycho who did the boys home massacre?"

"willie don't upset him." laurie fake pouted, earning a eye roll from the tied up boy. maria gave her a high five, as saya stood bored.

"pretty tough barking to a dude tied to a chair." marcus clapped back at willie. willie scoffed and stood back up, now looking down at the boy.

"untie this punk ass bitch" willie said to no one in particular, making the rest of the group grow confused. master lin came through the sheet, carrying a plater with a tea cup on it. the group immediately straightened up, maria and laurie stopping with their nails.

"excuse my students." master lin sat down in front of marcus, the rest of the group behind him. "they forget viciousness serves only to make them look weak." he took a sip from his cup, then sat it down onto the floor. "billy if you would be so kind." master lin motioned for billy to cut marcus out of the ropes.

after doing so, master lin began with his speech.
"are you satisfied with you life?" marcus furrowed his eyebrows, then proceed to nod his head.

"me? yeah i eat trash and sleep in piss, everything according to plan." marcus said sarcastically. saya lunged forward, only to be held back by willie. "treat master lin with respect!"

marcus scoffed, leaning closer to saya. "master lin can eat my shit." saya rolled her eyes, while laurie widened hers, his attitude catching her attention. master lin said nothing, while he let marcus cool back down. "who are you people anyways?"

"it doesn't matter, what matters is that we know who you are, marcus." the boy scoffed. "we can help you marcus. we can give you a home. a home where you could maybe even perhaps, start over."

laurie nodded her head playfully at the boy, laughing as he rolled his eyes at her. "please ignore laurie." master lin said, glaring daggers at the smirking girl.

"only what? I dress up like a Viking, so you can take tasteful pictures?" marcus said, going back to master lin's offer. he got up from his chair, picking up his backpack that was sat beside him. "look this all seems really sane and normal, and you all seem like a fun bunch. but uh.." he walked past willie, shoving his shoulder along the way. "later days."

laurie let out a long sigh, and master lin got up from his seat. "bring him back to me, saya." the tattooed filled girl nodded and exited the room. "come on laurie, let's go do our nails!" maria squealed.

laurie nodded, and willie felt around his pants, noticing that the lump where his wallet use to be was no longer there. "that punk stole my wallet!"


"Okay this color red will look cuter on your skin tone." maria lifted up the darker bottle of red nail polish in front of lauries face. laurie nodded and stuck both of her hands out. willie and billy were playing ninja in the corner of the room, paying no attention to the two girls arguing about nail colors, and skin tone matches.

the rev of an engine made maria jerk, causing the polish to go all over lauries hand. "ugh maria." laurie groaned, taking the napkin on the table to wipe the red coloring off.

"sorry it was saya's stupid engine." she said, finishing up lauries pinkie nail. "and done!" laurie looked at her newly polished nails then hugged maria.

"no disobedience, no drugs-" they heard saya's voice, as she walked through the plastic. "and no sex." she finished listing the rules to marcus.

"me and laurie find ways around the last one." maria winked, blowing on her nails one last time. marcus laughed and looked around the room. "not in here i hope." laurie let out a laugh, jumping off the table. "oh come on marcus, we're not that disgusting."

the back door opened, revealing the two monks that were to lead them back to the school. laurie took ones hand and bowed with it. marcus laughed at the girls action as saya patted him on the back.

"welcome to kings dominion."


hey. this was chapter one. that's all. bye

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