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"i've dreamt about you nearly every night this week."
"suck my ass, canadian crusher!"


laurie, marcus, and willie, all sat in marcus' new room, that he shared with shabnam. willie and marcus sat in front of the tv, playing some type of video game. while laurie sat on marcus' bed, watching the boys play.

"all i'm saying is, you're not making your own choices. you're just doing what you're taught to do." marcus began to talk, his gaze still on the game.

"hit em with a right hook!" willie ushered, pointing at a guy on the screen. "i don't really trust the sovereignty of any government. i mean, patriotism? what marketing assholes comes up with the idea that you get to feel noble by looking out for your own self-interests?" he continued.

"marcus shut up and hit that guy!" laurie screamed, coming up beside the two boys.  "uppercut! uppercut! would you listen to laurie and quit keeping it real at me." willie yelled at marcus, shifting in his seat.

"suck my ass, canadian crusher!" marcus said, as he hit the last guy, to win the match. laurie jumped up from her spot and cheered for his win.

the door barged open, and willie stood up immediately, now glaring down on marcus. "you best give me my money arguello, or i'll make you hurt." he threatened. marcus furrowed his eyebrows, while laurie scoffed. she knew the boy wouldn't hurt a fly. his reputation was bullshit.

"uh, uh." marcus stuttered, looking a laurie for help, but laurie just laughed at him. "i don't have a dime." he said, straightening up his back.

"i ain't asking for a dime, but i want my two dollars." willie shouted, before walking out, slamming the door. shabnam stood startled, only wrapped in a towel. laurie laughed lightly, as he got flustered at the sight of her.

"borrowing money from FWO? smooth move, exlax. Their interest rates are exorbitant and their collection methods are rather shabby." shabnam said, pulling the towel tighter around his waist.

marcus came over to laurie on the bed, laying down beside her. she gave him a slap on his stomach, to which he groaned at, pulled her into him. she wiggled out of his grip and hopped off the bed.

"i promised maria i'd go buy dance tickets with her, so i'll see you guys later." laurie grabbed the handle of the door, winking at shabnam on her way out.


laurie barged through her dorm room, to find maria dancing on her bed. laughing at the girl, laurie pulled her down, maria now making the girl dance with her. she spun laurie around, laurie smiling at how happy her best friend is.

"let's go buy dance tickets mejor amiga!" maria tried to drag her out of the room. laurie shook her head, "wait a minute." she walked over to their medicine, and took one of her pills out and one of maria's.

maria groaned but took her pill anyways. "okay now let's go." laurie giggled, exiting the room.

she noticed marcus and, a now fully clothed, shabnam walking down the hallway in front of them. shabnam talked to someone passing by, only to get called 'dildo'. maria and laurie laughed silently at the interaction and walked past the boys.

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