The Cause Of Covid-19

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Now, during the MCO, or more commonly known as the Movement Control Order, scientists around the globe are trying to figure out a vaccine for the dreaded COVID-19. There are different versions of the cause of COVID-19. Some say that it was originated from bats in China and others say the president of US had created it as a result of his envy on China's advanced technology. Although the risks of death due to COVID-19 is only 30%, it is easily transmitted through the air.

Being the scientist well-known for revealing secrets of many things, I was determined to find the source of the virus and put a stop to it. First things first, I interviewed the president of the US and China. It was difficult to get an appointment with them because they are both bust and important people. Apparently, they had had countless arguments and are rivals. Both of them denied creating the virus. I believed them because both their countries are the cleanest on the planet.

I was in my lab the next day, racking my brain to try and think of another possible source of COVID-19 when suddenly., the phone rang. The US army gave me the address to their camp and asked me to drive there immediately. They were scouting around the country, helping me find the source, and came upon something quite peculiar.

When I arrived, I saw nothing weird except for a group of barracks. The US army were armed and stood in a circle around an object. One invited me to the first barrack which was set up as a command center. Security cameras were placed all around the site where the army was standing. I saw a tiny object no bigger than an orange and was oozing out a weird substance.

The scientists there examined the substance and confirmed the substance was COVID-19. I took out my notepad and jotted down a few notes. After that, we did a few experiments. First, we used a spoon to test the PH level. The spoon melted instantly when in contact with the substance. Then, we got some lab rats and tested the virus on them. When the virus was injected into the rat's body, it immediately curled into a ball and stopped moving. The rat was dead. Lastly, we measured the rock. My conclusion? This rock didn't belong on Earth. It was a meteorite!

I drove back to my lab. We're not sure which planet it came from, but judging from its size and PH level, it came from a planet not in our solar system. From my lab, I took out a clock, though it wasn't your typical clock. This clock was different. Instead of the three standard hands- hour, minute and second- this had seven hands. It did not only tell the time of the time zone I was in, but also the planet I was on, the country I was in, the temperature, even the humidity and the air pressure. A few years ago while I was working for NASA, I invented this device to help discover suitable living environments on alternative planets. Unfortunately, they didn't allow me to execute my plans with this clock.

I opened a drawer a drawer and took out a hand grenade. It wasn't your typical blow-up-stuff-you-despise grenade. This one had a touch screen. According to the US army, the meteorite descended to Earth somewhere far into space. They didn't know which planet because no spaceship could possibly go that deep into space. I scanned a chunk of the meteorite which the US army gave me for further research. The grenade identified the chunk of meteorite and started its five-second fuse. I threw it at my lab wall and it exploded into a million different colors but eventually a light shade of blue covered my wall.

I stepped into the blue light, wearing my special 5000000psi resistant, toxin from a king cobra multiplied a thousand times, high-tech space suit. It was my first time ever using the portal grenade. The portal felt gooey like slime. When I got through the slime, I wasn't in my lab anymore but in space. I took out the multi-purpose clock and checked every hand. Time in

NYC - 4:08:36:847

Planet -7B34C

Country -?

Temperature(F) -72

Humidity -?

Air Pressure(psi)-5050

I was grateful for my protective space suit I was wearing. It prevented me from dissolving into the atmosphere or being crushed like a tin can.

I looked around. The planet looked inhabited. I took out a pickaxe and a shovel and started digging for soil samples. A head popped out of one of the many craters. It looked vaguely like a human head, just slightly deformed, the nose and mouth's places swapped and his skin was grey. It was an alien! I took out a camera and quickly snapped a photo as a proof but when i checked again, the alien was gone. I was so close yet so far to proving that aliens existed! I put on a pair of goggles, another one of my inventions, and scanned the area. I got red flags everywhere. The whole planet was filled with COVID-19. If it wasn't for my protective space suit, I would have been overwhelmed instantly.

A few more heads popped out. I took another picture and successfully captured the looks of the aliens! I checked the clock again and it was already 2:00 a.m. in New York City. I took out another portal grenade nd threw it against a crater. Instead of creating a slime-like portal, it disintegrated through the ground. I brought out my satellite phone and thankfully, it managed to reach Earth. I called the US army to go into my lab so they could use a portal grenade and 'fetch' me home. They successfully revived me back on Earth and I told them the whole story. I brought all the evidence- the rocks, soil and the photograph- to a journalist who requested an interview. 

"World known scientist Professor Chin had made the discovery of the millennia! He had gone so deep into space alone earlier this morning that no spaceship can achieve his record. What's more eyes-widening is he did it in a fraction of a second! He also discovered a planet utterly new to NASA which is very likely the source of the terrifying COVID-19 virus. Everybody is asking questions about it but he still prefers to keep it a secret. Some of the people in New York don't believe their local scientist but here is proof of what he found." The news reported said, showing her viewers the evidence. "Some scientists are still baffled at what they're seeing. In my opinion, I trust this scientist. What about you, America? Do you trust this man or think he is a fraud? Up next, we have an exciting car chase on 26 avenue."

I switched off the television and hoped all the other scientists around the globe will come up with a vaccine for COVID-19. Now, all we can do is to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by staying at home and practice good hygiene. I hope this crisis will be over soon.

The Cause Of COVID-19Where stories live. Discover now