😈I've Missed You So😈

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Third person:

It's been 3 years since Michael saw his mother, he was heartbroken when you never came home. She went out for groceries and never came back, Michael thought that she abandoned him, or that she didn't love him.

He's been at Outpost 3 for 2 days now, he had just finished interviewing Mrs Gallant. He sat in his office, waiting for the next person. The door opened, when Michael saw who it was he nearly died on the spot.

"Hello Mr Langdon" the woman spoke, the young man couldn't find the words. He was looking at the face of the woman he hasn't seen for 3 years.....his mother.

"M-Mom?" He whispered, the said woman looked at him confused.

"I'm sorry?" She said, Michael stood up suddenly, realising what had happened and walked his way to her, he placed a hand on her head and muttered a spell.

"W-What are you doing-" before she could finished her sentence, everything went black.

Minutes later, Y/N woke up to find herself on the floor. She sat up and saw Michael staring at his hands, but his attention was caught by her moving. His eyes widened and stood up, he held a hand out which she took.

"Mom?" He asked again, hoping it worked.

"My baby, Michael....is that you" she wimpered moving closer to him, she raised her hands and placed them on his face. Michael sighed leaning into her familiar touch.

"I see you remember. I'm so happy to see you, I thought you left me all those years ago" he had tears running down his face now and so did Y/N.

"No my angel, I was on my way back home when something struck me in the head and everything went black. I'm so sorry Michael, I would never leave you. You're my son and I love you too much to just up and leave" she reassured the man, his heart felt warm. He was over joyed to have his mother back, he pulled her into a tight hug and sniffled.

"I love you too mom" she sighed happily and pulled back looking over his features.

"My, look at how handsome you grew up to be. You can understand why I call you angel, because your just as beautiful as one. My beautiful boy" his eyes closed as her fingers combs through his hair, the smile on their faces never left.

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