😈Soft Kitty😈

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⚠️Warning⚠️ little bit of swearing

Y/N's POV:

"Come on Mikey, please" I whined at my Warlock boyfriend.


"Baby please, I promise I won't mess up. Its a harmless spell" to which he scoffed in humour.

"Babe, that's what you said last time. My hair was green for 2 weeks" I snorted a laugh at the memory, I shook my head at him.

"Please baby I promise it won't happen again" it was silent for a few seconds, before he huffed and nodded. I squealed happily and pulled him in front of me.

Taking a deep breathe I closed my eyes, I then muttered the spell hoping it would work. There was a light popping noise, which made me open my eyes. My eyes widened at the sight, I giggled happily seeing that it worked...........i successfully turned Michael into a kitten.

I cooed at the little ball of fur that was Michael, I saw his little eyes widen

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I cooed at the little ball of fur that was Michael, I saw his little eyes widen. He gave me a cat glare, but then suddenly sneezed.

"Aww you're such a cute little kitty aren't you. My little furry Anti-Christ" I couldn't help it, he looked so adorable. I picked him up, but not before he slapped my hand with his little paw.

"Hey no need for violence Mikey-no don't give me that look" his furry face looked up at me and meowed what seemed to be in annoyance.


I giggled hearing his voice in my mind.

Okay okay fine, party pooper

I placed him on the floor and muttered the reversal spell. I opened my eyes again and didn't see Michael standing In front of me. I looked down and saw that be was still a kitten. My eyes widened at the sight.

"Well shit"

Why am I still a kitten?!?!

"I don't know, i said the spell right......ohhh I said the wrong one, it looks like you'll be staying in this form for at least a couple of days" I said to the now grumpy furry Anti-Christ.

You did this on purpose didn't you?

"Pshh no...okay yes I did but only because i wanted see what you'd look like as a kitten" i tried to reason with him, but the grumpy look never left.

"Michael, Y/N. I'm home, I got your fav-who's this little guy?" Ms Mead asked walking into the room, I smiled at the woman and picked up the fur ball who softly growled at me.

"It's Michael, I was testing out a spell and well I used the wrong one. So now he's going to look like this for a couple of days and as you can see he's not overly happy about it" I giggled at his little face, Ms Mead chuckled and scratched his chin.

"Well at least it'll be a bit more quiet around here" she joked, making Michael huff through his nose. I giggled and kissed his head, which caused him to relax.

"It's okay Mikey, I'll look after you" I said in a baby voice while scratching behind his ear, making him purr in delight.

"Awww he's purring, who's a cute wittle kitty cat, you are, yes you are" I cooed.

I hate you

No you don't, you love me

I smirked at the little kitten, who now snuggled into my arms.

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