Bakukami 🖤💛🔞- stupid

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This oneshot was requested by someone who didn't want to be named in my dms, if you have a request don't be afraid to leave it on the request page or dm me personally!

TW: arguments, depressing thoughts,
and smut ill put a start and ending for those uncomfortable with it

also not a trigger warning but trans kaminari! \(´ ∇')ノ
and soft katsuki because i cant get enough of it and i never see enough of it :)
setting: denkis dorm
Denki's pov 9:07pm
"okay how aren't you understanding this its so fucking simple denki! This is middle school math, shit your in fucking highschool you should know this!" katsuki got frustrated when he tutored me yes, but i had never seen him this mad to the point where he was damn near yelling. It scared me honestly, scared of my boyfriend of all people.
"well im sorry im not smart enough for you, i know im fucking stupid you don't need to yell it in my damn face!" and when i get scared i cry and that is just what i did in that moment, i just couldn't hold back the tears that had built up and i couldn't hold it back anymore. I felt as each warm tear fell from my eyes down my cheeks and onto the floor.
"kat....just get out of my dorm." my voice wavered as i tried to stay calm my facade breaking, but my voice cracked giving away the fact that i was crying, i couldn't even look him in the face. I couldn't hold back my sobs i cant fake it anymore.
"WHAT THE FUCK EVER I WAS DONE WITH YOUR GODDAMN BULLSHIT ANYWAY!" he left before i could utter another word and maybe that was for the best because once he was gone i stood up from my desk and walked towards the door. I wanted to follow him so bad but i just couldn't.
So i did what i do best. Cry. I always cry so im told, "denki kaminari biggest cry baby in class 1-A" why am i so damn sensitive?
With my back against the door i slid down feeling the smooth cold wood against my hand, with my hand covering my mouth to muffle my sobs. No one needed to hear my ugly crying, and i sure as hell didn't need anyone's pity.
I know im stupid, i didn't need reminding. My dyslexia held me back from school a lot i always needed special help with math and science, basically all stem subjects you could think of.
That's all i will ever be.
A dumbass charger.
Haha look at denki he over used his quirk again such a dumbass!
I've heard it all, what they don't realize is i can hear everything people say to me even in that state. including jirou's taunts and insults. It hurts, you know that feeling in your chest where it's like someone was squeezing your heart, that aching feeling that never goes away? Ya that's what it feels like every single time. I still feel like that right now and i don't think this feeling is going away anytime soon. I guess im just gonna have to wait it out and cry. crying is all im useful for anyway right, katsuki? right?

Bakugo's pov
I didn't mean to yell at him i was just frustrated, of course i know that doesn't justify it, what i did was wrong. I could see he was scared of me and that hurt so badly he was the only person who wasn't scared of me, he wasn't scared to yell at me, he wasn't scared to stand up to me, and he wasn't scared to touch me. Denki had never been scared of me before he was the only one brave enough to be around me and to tolerate my bullshit.
which is exactly why i need to make it up him.....
_____________________ ♡
One hour later 10 pm bakugo's pov

And here i was dragging my sorry ass back to denki's dorm to apologize, i had gathered all the stuff and had left it in my bedroom at home and now all i had to do was knock

and of course i did the special knock
a simple soft
tap, tap tap, tap
4 taps in rhythm, something we came up with in our second year when we started dating

It was silent all i could hear was a sniffle and small shuffling sounds coming closer to the door, and then light comes pouring out into the hallway
"kats..." oh my darling denki im sorry
"denki can i please hug you im sorry i didn't mean any of it i promise im so sorry bug please i beg of you, forgive me?" at this point i was on my knees my hands on the sides of his hips and my forehead on his stomach. I need him to forgive me i don't know what i would do if he doesn't.
"oh my... kats, i have forgiven you, but you know that what you had done was not okay right?" denki had leaned down and put his hand under my chin lifting my head up making me look him in the eyes waiting for my answer
"of course denks what i did was so wrong and i will apologize every day to you if i have to i never intended to hurt or scare you im sorry" he closed his eyes pressing his forehead to mine staying silent and in response i do the same, reaching my hand to wipe his remaining tears away

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