The way it hurts(monokami)🖤💛

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Yeah expect angst heres the trigger warnings: talks of self harm, self depricating thoughts
setting: outside in training field away from their class mates, watching them spar

3rd person pov 

"monoma, I was thinking."
"oh thats never good" sarcasm seeping through his voice, his smirk and playful eye roll obvious to the yellow blond
"hey! Rude! Anyway i was wondering. You have never worked with an electric quirk right? Well what if you tried using mine and trained on using it! Ya know for like when youre a pro and need to use an electric quirk?" his hesitation evident in his voice, fearing being mocked by the boy
"actually kaminari, thats a great idea how about after school before dark we can work on it together? Your not gonna pussy out right? I mean you are in 1-A i expect highly of you all." his eyebrow raised, eyeing the smaller boy
"of course not monoma, ill show up see you at 6:30!" happiness radiating from the boy, skipping back to the class his cheeks red from...excitement?
ya..excitment lets go with that.
nothing more.

Denki's pov ☾

training had been tiring, Especially with a quirk like mine. Emitter quirks have always been more dangerous than mutation and other types.
for example todoroki, his quirk can give him heat strokes and burns as well as frost bite and hypothermia.
And Bakugo who no longer has feeling or nerves in his palms and over time his hearing deteriorates, as well as migranes caused by the loud explosions and smoke, as well as dehydration from all the sweat he produces for his quirk.

And Mines the worse, i have epilepsy and seizures, over time when i fry my brain i am slowly killing myself, but not on purpose. Theres no solution or cure, i just have to adapt and push myself if i want to be a pro...even if it means losing my own life.

But it feels good, losing yourself in the burning sensation slowly becoming numb to your surroundings. I guess it became a way to cope. It hurt in a good way, it was damaging but mind numbing. The lighting scars on my body progress more and more, as well as the cuts on my thighs, sometimes shocking myself isnt enough, it doesnt last forever.
But the scars are a reminder, and i like it.
I like it a little too much.

Ugh its already 6, fine okay uhhh what the fuck does one wear for this
i settled for a simple baby blue tank top and black ripped jeans
putting back in my lip rings (snake bites) and earrings along with my industrial piercing, that i had to take out before training earlier today. They actually helped me conduct my quirk as i had them made with a special metal. But you dont want them getting ripped out during training

Anyway I had grabbed my dorm keys ans headed out, locking my door behind me before going down the hall down the stairs.
eventually making it outside walking down the paths, made by cobblestone with daisys and baby breath flowers growing alongside the path.
They sky had started to set leaving it a stunning purple, mixed with oranges and yellow.
eventually feeling the soft grass below my bare feet knowing that i had made it to the field, monoma had not shown yet.
I decided to savour the peace i finally had for once. I know, denki kaminari what do you mean if anything with your Personality your the one disturbing the peace. But the thing is its not me, its bakugos yelling, mina and the girls screams in the doorms 24/7, Iidas loud yelling of the rules and his loud fucking engines. Jirous guitar, ayoyomas singing in the mirrors which isnt even good. The only quiet one is koda and satou who mind their buisness and are kind.

But right now its just me, the dark purple sky, the crickets and the dim stars starting to shine.
And soft footsteps. Footsteps?
opening my eyes to find monoma above me
"watcha doing, are we training or what?" his head tilting to the side out of amusement
"im not ready to get up man, just lay down for a bit" my eyes closing once more, he sighed and waited before slowly getting down and laying next to me
"whats the point of this, its the opposite of what we were supposed to be doing"
of course he had to open his mouth
"cant you just enjoy the silence for once, you seem to complain so damn often about how loud me and 1-A are I would assume you would appreciate it god damn"
"Now thats not true, I dont think your loud. I think your stupid theres a difference" scoffing and lightly laughing at his own joke
I felt my chest tighten at that, like someone took it and squeezed it.
"words hurt douche nozzle" not my best insult i can admit
"oh come on, i didn't mean it. Its just a joke!" he became defensive at my words

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