Hold Me? 💛🔞 Bakukami

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Summary:denki is sick and it turns into a cuddle session and something a little more no it does not get into describing it


Ship bakukami

Bakugo's  pov

"katsuuuu, come here it's just so cold just Come lay down with meeee" denki groaned his nose was a little congested  making his voice more nasally
turning to look at me with a sad pout
"denki I've told you this multiple times your sick, and I don't want to get sick as well. I haven't been sick since elementary and if I do get sick I lose to fucking deku who for some reason has a really good immune system...god damn nerd" I argued
"But baby I'm really cold and I really need you right now please just Come here and hold me for a little while that's all i ask..." and this Time he genuinely did look a little sad I felt a tiny pain in my chest just by looking at him and I hate to admit it but, I have a soft spot for him and only him. He's my world and I'll be damned if I let him down and let him be sad, he's in pain and that hurts me.
"scoot over, if you keep spreading your body out on the bed like that I won't be able to get on there dumbass" I smiled at him to show I was playing, I know how insecure he gets when he gets called a dumbass and sometimes I forget that and it hurts him... More then it should, in some ways he is one of the smartest people I know I just wish others could see that too.
"ugh but it's so comfortable, fineeee" he mumbled as he moved to the other side allowing me to get under the covers
I've always loved the moments like these with him where I'm not this angry scary guy I don't have to yell and curse 24/7, in times like this I just love to hold him close listen to every small breath he takes, the rhythm of his heart beat and hear him talk about the most random shit he can think of as he plays with my hair. He is the person I can be calm around, my soul mate.
As I got under the covers the first thing he did was cling onto me as I grabbed his hips and pulled him closer wrapping my arms around his small waist, our foreheads pressed together, eyes of amber locked with ruby gems.
No talking just silence as I held him close, rubbing his hips slowly feeling the heat radiate from his body.
"I love you more then life it's self and I don't think I tell you that enough" I whisper lowly enough for him to hear I know he heard me as I got a nod in return seeing tears form in his eyes as they started to fall. I wiped them away replacing them with my lips softly kissing his cheeks and nose whispering nothing but sweet things to him merely a small gesture that meant the world to denki.
I placed our foreheads back together as he calmed down, my thumb rubbing his cheek slowly as I held his face in my hand. A nice sweet moment that just had to be ruined.
the bitch sneezed on me causing me to fall off and land on my back, while denki layed there laughing at me. I got up to give him a tissue walking into the bathroom to wash my face with warm water. Only to come back to him still laughing at me.
"stop fucking laughing asshole ya scared the fucking shit out of me!" I rolled my eyes climbing back on the bed on top of him laying all my body weight on top of him so he couldn't move
"dang it katsu your to heavy for this come on! I can barely breatg as it is get offfff" he groaned trying to push and lift me off of him with no luck.
"fine stay there then"
"I planned to" I chuckled laying my head on his chest and wrapping my arms back around him once more.
"so you're really not gonna get off me?"
"nope never" I said leaning up and kissing his lips lightly proceeding to kiss his neck receiving small whimpers and moans here and there.
I stopped and layed back down proud at the reaction I received.
"oh come on why did you stop?"
"maybe you shouldn't have sneezed on my face"
"look I'm sorry okay? I couldn't stop it just please.... Don't stop" his voice laced with lust, and you know what I complied with his wishes the rest of the night was filled with moans and praises as we made love slowly to one another the feeling of each other's touch becoming our favorite feeling.

Oop that got a little steamy at the end I wasn't planning on writing THAT, anyway.... but ya know what I'm glad I did.

sorry for not updating in awhile with school work and busy schedules and bad mental health it's hard to get a break sometimes. Ive also updated my other bakukami nsfw chapter called stupid its much better now so i recommend re-reading that
Anyway bye babes see ya next chapter and dont forget to vote below!

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