Chapter 2

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After the hectic night at Ryan's, I was back in my work uniform the next day ready for work

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After the hectic night at Ryan's, I was back in my work uniform the next day ready for work. Once I pulled into the parking lot it was six fifty-five in perfect time for her seven o'clock shift. The night was filled with laughs and her fangirling over the boy she had made me say hi too that morning. His named was practically tattooed on my brain from now many times she said 'Oh George' this and 'Oh George' that.

She had a crush and I knew this wouldn't turn out good considering he lived in the UK, but whatever mad her happy. When I was trending on Twitter she apologized over and over. I promised her each time that it was okay and that I didn't mind to much. Which was true I hadn't minded that much.

I shook the thoughts from my head sliding the mask over my mouth and huffing at how silly I felt. I hated this mask but because of the outbreak it was mandatory that I wear it. Stepping into the bar I sighed at the loud music and the smell of beer that infused my mind. I just got here and I already wanted to leave.

"Andy." I said nodding to the man behind the bar who was clocking out and I was clocking in to take over. "Flower." He said punching his card and me doing the same after. "Be careful the man with the beard it rude. He had a Bud Light and whatever you do open it before you give it to him." He said running his hand over his tired face. I knew there were customers like this even thought it was against policy to open it before giving it, usually we did it anyways to keep from getting out neck broke by customers.

"Thanks Andy, have a good night." I say as he starts out the door and he gives me a wave as I step behind the bar. I immediately knew the man Andy was talking about. He was a burly man with a long beard with streaks of grey running through it. He had his head turned to the tv watching a football game with his lips pressed to the bottle.

A girl, who looked to be well over the age of twenty one, took a seat at the bar.

"Hi, what can I get-" I was cut off by a shouting voice. I knew it was the bearded man just by his loud voice.

"Hey girl! I need another bud light!" He shouted and I shut my eyes taking a deep breath turning to him. "I'll be right there with it Sir!" I call out trying to remain polite even though he wasn't being so himself.

"I'm so sorry ma'am as I was saying what-" He cut me off again. "I need it now!" He said slamming the empty bud light down and the woman turned to me with a sorry expression. He looked at me through glaring eyes. "And bring me a shot of whiskey!" He yelled and at this point everyone was looking at the rude man.

"I said I will be right with you, you're not the only person in the bar sir." I said as polite as I could and he yells again. "But I want it now." He screamed like toddler. I raised my eyebrows at him letting my anger get the best of me. Every other staff member was watching me and I gave no fucks as to what I was about to do. I grabbed a beer and two shots of whiskey. I sat down the opened bud light and the shot of whiskey and he smirked looking at me.

"That's what I thought, fucking listen to men." I took the shot in my hand and chunked it at him throwing my apron on the ground as well. "Learn to respect people. Especially the people who serve you." I said going around the bar.

"I quit." I say as I threw the doors of the bar open marching to my truck .


"You did not..." Ryan said over the phone and I growled in defense.

"Yes I did. I'm tired of men like that and I had enough shit from him. I was tired of that job as it is." I say running my hand over my face looking at myself in the mirror. I knew it was a stupid movement to make and it could still get me in trouble but I wasn't worried about that when all I could see what how rude he was.

"You can't just do those things when you get mad. Did you take you ADHD meds this morning before you left?" She asked and I paused to think. I thought about it. In fact I hadn't taken my medicine which makes since and tells me what was wrong. Normally I wouldn't ever do something like that but it was impulsive to do so. "No I didn't." I admitted and she sighed.

"Are you going to be okay?" She asked me and I sighed knowing rent was due in three days and I was supposed to get paid tonight but that didn't happen.

"You want honestly or a bullshit answer." I say and she sighs yet again through the phone and I cringe banging my head softly on the steering wheel.

"Truth is rent is do tomorrow and I don't have it since I didn't get paid tomorrow. I mean this isn't the best apartment ever but at least it was a place to live." I say hitting my head on more time and sitting there in defeat worried about what I was going to do.

There was no way I could make three hundred in two days and give them my seven hundred dollar rent. There was just no way it could be done since I was now jobless. I mean if worse did come to worse I had my truck.

"Well I have an idea and I'm honestly not sure how it is going to work because of your apartment but you could always come live with me." She said quietly and that made me feel bad. I would love to live with her but I didn't have a job and it would make me feel like I was freeloading being there, even if I was going to get a job as soon as I could.

"I love the offer but I don't want to worry you, especially since you stream all the time. I would just be in the way." I say and she huffs.

"Pack your shit and come to my house as soon as you talk your shit over with you landlord. I love you and take your damn medicine."  She said and I heard the beeping of a ended call through my phone and I took one last moment to gather my thoughts.

I trudged across the road and into the apartment building to talk to my land lord.

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