Tea Time

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It was an ordinary day to many. But for me it was important. A cloak covered my body as I traveled through the core. I slightly resembled the river person if anyone were to spot me.

The plan was simple get past the core and judgement hall unspotted and then meet the king. The core was easy. It was early in the morning so there wasn't much activity. The last corridor was supposed to be easy too. That was until I spotted Sans and I had to duck out of sight.

What is he doing here so early? Last I knew, he went to one of his many sentry stations. Was he notified about me? Sounds the most plausible.

I put my phone to silent and sent him a message.

You : Sans, I went over to your sentry to give you a snack but you weren't there.

I heard a ring echo behind me. Moments later, I received a reply.

Snas : oh, that's because i am at the one in hotland.

Snas : you can bring it over when you have the time.

Damn he just lied to me. Why would he lie? I know about his job.

You : The one in hotland? You mean the one I am at right now. >:T

"Crap." I hear him curse. Ha! That's what you get.

Snas : oh . . . guess i got called out.

You : -___-

Snas : . . . okay so right now i am at my other job.

Snas: apparently there is some mysterious person making their way here.

Snas : and if they are dangerous, you can't be here with me.

Snas : i'll see you in a bit.

Snas: okay?

You: k.

Well that didn't workout. I leaned my head against the wall I hid behind and slid down to the ground. Guess that means I am going with plan B, wait.

It took a while before anything happened. I would occasionally peek over to see what Sans was doing.

About 25 minutes later, he took a seat on one of the benches, layed down and almost instantly fell asleep.

Poor Sans. He is always so tired. He tells me that he is sleeping okay but I know that isn't the case. I wish he would wake me up if he has trouble.

I still took this as my opportunity to get across. It is actualy easy to sneak on tile floors. All you need to do is take off your shoes and walk across.

I was halfway through when I stopped and looked at him. He was using his sweater as a pillow. The hall was chilly so I took off my cloak, placed it on him and softly planted a kiss on his cheekbone. I left the corridor and entered another monochromatic room then entered the throne room.

It was a calm and sunny place. The floor was covered in golden flowers. A throne was in the middle of it. The king, Asgore, was watering some flowers and humming to himself. I noticed a small table to the side. It had two chairs and a tea set on top of it. I gathered up the courage to speak.

What We Hope For (Sans X Reader) ✨UNDER EDITING✨Where stories live. Discover now