This is Halloween 🎃 Part 1

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Let's take a break from the main story line and enjoy this great 2 parter Halloween special. The first one is today October 1st (Because this week happens to be my birthday week! 🎉 Who else is a libra here?) And on Halloween shall be the second part. Hope you enjoy!👻

It's been about 3 months since I met Frisk and all the other monsters. And these three months have been really great! Well other than some trouble but I won't spoil it for you. Today we are having dinner at the king's home.
And our seating arrangement was a bit like this.

              Undyne. Alphys. Frisk Toriel
              Papyrus. Sans. Me. Mettaton

It is also happens to be October, a week before Halloween to be specific. I didn't think of it much until Frisk brought up the subject. And after she explained to everybody what Halloween is like on the surface everyone became ecstatic.


"Yeah! I wanna dress up and scare everyone too!" Undyne cheers.

"I think it is a wonderful idea as well... minus the scaring aspect. It would be nice to experience what the modern day humans do for this holiday. Although, it depends on what the king allows." Toriel tells us while she shoots a glare at Asgore.

Even after everything their friendship, if you can even call it that, is still rocky.

"Well I see nothing wrong with monsters celebrating Halloween. Just as long no one takes it too far or dresses up offensively in any way." Asgore says calmly he looks at Toriel hoping to gain her favor but she only gives him a deadpanned look.

"Marvelous!~ Then I shall promote the idea to the entire underground in my news station. Say, how about we coordinate a Halloween festival at the MTT resort? We can theme it as a haunted hotel."

"I like that idea Mettaton! We could have one of the floor levels specifically for the scaring aspect. You know like creepy paranormal stuff." I say.

"boring." Sans comments.

"Boring!? What you think the idea is not scary enough!?" Undyne points her fork at him.

"no the overall idea is fine. i'm saying the idea of paranormal effects would be boring. i mean nobody is gonna buy into it."

"Sans you don't believe in ghosts?" I raise an eyebrow.

"sugarbean, i'm a man of science. and scientifically there's no evidence of lingering human souls that possess and scare people. although i do know that monster ghosts are real." He must be hinting at Napstablook and Mettaton.

"Hah! All I hear is a coward who refuses to believe the truth! Human ghosts are real and I'm gonna prove it to you! Wanna help me out Alphys?"

"I-I don't know. I'll help out after I find us a cute couple's costume to wear!" Alphys says.

"I don't mind helping out. I think ghosts are cool." Frisk says.

"You know if you guys keep doing this whole ghost hunting thing then I have the perfect group costume for you." I joke.

"Do you mean the Ghostbusters?" Frisk questions.


And so we all began to discuss our costume ideas. Most of us were able to decide on something. Frisk, Papyrus, Undyne and Alphys were all dead set on the Ghost busters idea. (Heh get it?) But because Alphys and Undyne wouldn't be doing a couple's costume they wanted me and Sans to do something instead.

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