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Dr. Walker gazed at the monitor surrounded by the clutter of manila folders and sweat stained papers. A "#1 Mom" mug with the scent of freshly brewed lavender tea broke up the scent of disinfectant that permeated the building and allowed her to concentrate. The keys clacked as she entered the final data points into the system that contained her life's work. The incorrect data entered from the past few weeks will throw a wrench in the company's plan.

Taking a quick break, she opened the top folder from the stack. It contained a clipped photo of a little girl with wavy brown hair and the most awkward smile on her face. A small grin emerged on Dr. Walker's face as she remembered the day they took that picture. She enticed the small girl with a freshly baked cookie that day and it sparked joy she hadn't seen before but the smile didn't last long. It never did in this lab.

After completing her PhD under Dr. Rhodes, she joined this company in studying the remnants of mythical creatures. It started with a small sample here to study the DNA structure of a long dead mythical creature. Then the company happened upon deceased mythical creatures that she could dissect. Her discoveries brought breakthroughs in the scientific and magical world. The next step consisted of combining mythical creatures and human DNA which intrigued her. This could cure diseases and advance society to the next stage.

Then the company brought in human subjects rationalizing that advancements to save the world required sacrifices. At first, the experiments seemed simple and harmless, testing vaccines on diseases transmitted by mythical creatures. Moving to experiment with the subjects' DNA and mythical creature DNA. Eventually experiments she considered too cruel when she first started turned into everyday procedures. Her eyes didn't open again until the subjects began to die one by one from the injections she created. Every day when she returned home, she looked into her son's innocent eyes and they tugged at her conscience. One day, he would find out the truth and see her as a monster.

Sentimentality wouldn't stop the company, she needed to stay focused. To see this through so that she wouldn't experience any more lights go out. Executing the program that Dr. Nakano acquired from his coworker deleted all the data she acquired over the years except for the last three months. No more sacrifices on this quest for power that the company wanted.

After placing the manila folder into her backpack, she walked into the main lab, taking in the sight of the place one last time. Multiple test tubes containing the mixes of different diseases and the subjects' blood lined the benches near the microscopes. Many tireless hours were spent at those pristine benches. Memories of joy and scientific discoveries filled this lab along with the memories of injections going wrong, blood coughed up everywhere, and so many tears as they begged for the pain to end.

"This is the right thing to do." Dr. Nakano whispered, almost to himself, as he attached small devices to the underside of the workbenches.

"Yes, honey, it is." Dr. Walker wrapped her arm around his, squeezing it slightly. "I have deleted the files and prepared the bodies."

"Are you sure this is going to work?"

"It has to. I double checked the teeth, they are identical to ours and subject 14. They will match with the fake data we left in the computer if they retrieve the hard drive."

On the other side of the lab laid the entrance to the multitudes of habitats. Each modified to accommodate the magical creatures' needs. Stale dirt formed multiple mounds in the habitat to her right. The dark TV hanging slightly above used to display the tunnel system that existed below. The following habitat simulated a dense forest with the scent of autumn leaves. She quickened her pace trying to get away from these empty homes. At the end of the hallway, Subject 14 floated aimlessly around her tank, the scales on her tail glistening purple as the lab lights reflected off her. Her vibrant violet hair flowing unnaturally in the water as if it was flowing in the wind. Her purple eyes daydreaming of better times. Subject 14 survived the experiments thus far because of the strength of her body and the will to move forward. Every new day started to wear on her soul though.

Subject 14 shied away as Dr. Walker approached, rubbing her arms in spots once prodded by needles an uncountable amount of times. Subject 14 usually exhibited this reaction when Dr. Walker arrived to force her out of the tank. Dr. Walker grimaced at that reaction, determined to make things right.

"Don't worry dear. No experiments today. Would you like to go on a trip to the outside world?" Subject 14's interest peaked at the mention of the outside world. In previous encounters, Dr. Walker told her about the outside world and it always fascinated her. Subject 14 cautiously approached the edge of the tank where Dr. Walker proceeded to lift her out of the tank. Once out of the water, subject 14's tail was replaced by two human legs. Her eyes and hair turned to a more human brown color. Dr. Walker carried the small girl to an examination table. Fear lit up in Subject 14's eyes as the thoughts of more experiments entered her mind.

"This is just a small sedative, not going to hurt at all. Then we can go." Dr. Walker soothed as she wiped the injection spot with a disinfectant wipe. Subject 14 experienced this procedure almost daily and needles no longer scared her. Dr. Walker applied the sedative and adhered the Band-Aid without any issues. "Now let's head out. Kaito, have you finished placing the explosives?"

"Yes, that was the last one. We are good to go." Dr. Nakano picked up his bag and smirked to himself, many hours were spent on researching those contraptions. All three made their way out of the lab with Subject 14 starting to fall asleep on Dr. Walker's shoulder, just like how her own son did when she carried him. Hopefully they would get along and they could live a normal life.

Exiting the compound one last time, Dr. Walker gave the compound one last wistful look as they exited. This was finally goodbye. The leaves cracked under her step as she continued walking. During the night, the worn path in the woods was multitudes creepier and the bugs more prevalent. After a short hike through the ominous wood guided only by a flashlight, they arrived at the beach. The full moon luminated the white sand and waves lapping against the shore. A short distance away, two catamaran boats tied to a dock swayed in the waves.

"I'm going to miss that boat." Dr. Nakano gazed upon the boat they received when they first started this project. They named her Skimming the Surface in honor of all the things that science has learned thus far and the more that will be discovered.

"Me too." Dr. Walker placed Subject 14 on the seat near the front of the other small boat, completely passed out. One last step to freedom. Dr. Nakano took the captain's seat and started the boat up while Dr. Walker untied them from the dock. He eased the throttle forward and off they went leaving the island behind.

"Fire in the hole." Dr. Walker whispered as she pressed the button on the remote that Dr. Nakano gave her. A loud explosion rang in their ears, black smoke blooming that could still be seen under moonlight. Then the fire started to blaze as the nearby forest caught on fire. Dr. Walker proceeded to hit the second button on the remote and another explosion, this time smaller rang out and Skimming the Surface started to smoke and slowly sink into the sea.

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