Good-Bye St. Marie

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Ichigo's POV

After crying my eyes out I went back to the girl's dorms, sitting with Vanilla in the bed I couldn't help but cry again " Come on Ichigo you have to be strong" Vanilla said trying to comfort me "What should I do Vanilla" I said bringing my knees to my chest and hugging them "We should leave that's what we should do!" she said determined "And stop making sweets! NEVER!" I told Vanilla disagreeing and shocked at what she had said "I don't mean you should give up on your dreams, I mean we should go to another culinary school" she said seriously with her chubby index finger out.

"But I don't want to leave you behind Vanilla! You are my partner, best friend, and family, I would NEVER leave you behind!" I told her ready for round 3 for a river of tears "You won't have to leave me because I'm going with you" she said putting her chibi hands on her hips "Wha-Wait but I thought you sweet spirits were only part of St. Marie Academies?" "Yeah, we are but recently the Queen has made an agreement with the principles of different culinary schools to help sweet spirits fulfill their culinary dream, and by doing that both sweet spirits and humans help each other achieve their dreams, and as you can see, there is no problem at all."

'I can't believe it, thank you, sweet spirit queen!' "That's perfect Vanilla" I told her hugging her "Well then, what school do you plan to transfer to?" "I don't know, maybe I'll research some schools at home, so first I'll need to call mom, tell her what happened, write a letter to leave school, and finally wait to be accepted" I said told vanilla my plan having my phone in hand ready to make the call home.


1hour later


"Pheww, done" "So what did your mom say?" Vanilla said curious, hoping my mom understood why I wanted to transfer "She didn't like my decision at first but when I told her about Miura and that my friends betrayed me she understood and agreed." "Yay!! Come on Ichigo hurry! Start writing that letter!!" "Mm, You're right" "GO GO ICHIGO!!" Vanilla said cheering me on.


30min later


After finishing the letter I stretched my arms "Vanilla I finished....Vanilla?" I repeated "Wher is Vanilla?' "vanilla! vani-" I whispered since Rumi was asleep and I stopped searching for Vanilla because she was also asleep in my bed I just smiled, and then I remembered Henri-sensei. 'I should make a letter for him too'.

'Dear Henri-sensei,

By the time you receive this letter, I will no longer be attending St. Marie. I can not say why now but I will tell you in the future when we meet again. I'm sorry if I disappointed you in any way by leaving St. Marie even though you recruited me, I will always be grateful for such an opportunity and experience that I have received during my stay in St. Marie. Please don't worry, I'll be okay, and by leaving St.Marie it doesn't mean I'll stop making sweets, I'll be sure to go to another culinary school.

With love,

Amano Ichigo'

Getting up and walking towards the room's window I look at the night sky and admire the stars and suddenly I see a shooting star, I smile so big and put my hands together and start making a wish. 'I wish that where ever I transfer to I meet new people, new friends that won't betray me and love me and that Vanilla and I will be happy there'.


Next Day


Finally, my letter was accepted, I had to give it personally to the principal since I was in a hurry and I wanted to leave as soon as possible.

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