Chapter 1

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" ugh " I groaned as my alarm clock went off. Today was my last day in California until I fly off to London with my best friend Ad (her name is Adriana but people call her Ad pronounced ~Aid) I better make it last I thought while I stumbled into the bathroom, after I took a shower and brushed my teeth I changed into some shorts and a t shirt. " Liz hun, you up? " I heard my mother yell, " yeah mom I'll be down in a minute " I said while I finished applying my makeup.

As I was walking downstairs I could smell the freshly made pancakes, " breakfast is ready " my mother yelled.  After we finished our breakfast I headed toward Ad's house , after a few knocks Ad answered her door. " hey! " she beamed " I thought I'd help you pack " I said " wait how'd you know I wasn't done packing " she asked suspiciously " Ad you always wait last minute to do these things " I replied " yeah you're right come in " she said opening the door wider.

We then headed to her room " so what should I pack " Ad asked " everything " I replied " we're gonna be there for a year " I said "ok ok " she said.


A couple hours later we finished , " well I gotta go home we're waking up pretty early tomorrow for our flight " I said tiredly ", "ok bye see you tomorrow " Ad said  " bye " I said while walking out the door.

After I came home I found my mom sitting in the coach with my sisters around her looking at a photo album . " mom what   are you doing " I asked " you've grown up so fast " she said while holding back the tears. She then got up and gave me a bone crushing hug " are you sure you wanna go " my mom asked , " yeah mom we already went through this, I just need to get away from everything that happened and just enjoy life for once " I said. " ok , just don't forget to call me I'm sorry I can't go to the airport with you tomorrow, and you need some sleep she said before hugging me again ", mom it ok, goodnight love you !" I said while heading upstairs " love you too " she replied.


I woke up to my little sisters jumping on my bed ", Lilly and Emma get off my bed " I yelled " ok ok that's the only way you'd wake up " Lilly said " and we didn't want you to miss your flight " Emma added " oh my gosh " I said as I ran into the bathroom to get ready , after I finished I felt my phone buzz and saw a text from Ad .

~ Hurry up , I'm outside your house! ~

I quickly ran downstairs and outside the door , then hopped into Ad's car . " you excited " Ad asked me , " of course we're going to London !! " I quickly replied  " turn on the radio " I suggested Ad then blasted the radio one thing by one direction was on. " You've got that one thing " me and Ad yelled in unison, you see Ad is a big 'directioner' she's obsessed! Her favorite is Niall . " Liz what If we meet great guys in London " Ad asked " the whole reason I decided to come to London was to get away from drama and the number one reason is guys ! " I said  " I know , I know why can't all guys be like Niall " Ad whined I then burst out laughing " why do you like him that much you never know what a celebrity's like until you meet them " I said " I just know ok.." she said . " We're here! " we yelled in unison.


We finally arrived to London after several hours, " c'mon "Ad said dragging me to a taxi after we arrived to our 'flat' as the British say Ad and I took our bags and started to unpack . We then fell asleep after a couple hours from being jet lagged.

~ hey guys this is my 1st fan fiction I hope you like it so far please don't judge my grammar and one direction Are gonna come soon tell me what you think of it so far ~

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