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Sapnap POV.


I decided to stream on Twitch today, I had been offline for over a month because I was unmotivated. I wasn't very active on there regardless but, this was the longest time I hadn't streamed for. Clay likes to remind me everyday of how much I neglect my job, but it's hard for me to pretend like I'm happy and want to be live in front of thousands.

My eyes scan the chat and I see lots of 'I missed you' and general happy comments that I'm back online. I grab my phone that's to the side and quickly tweet out a link to let my followers know I'm streaming. This stream wasn't going to be too long as it was just one to get me back into the habit of streaming again.

I was playing a minecraft challenge with George and Clay, although our fans knew Clay as Dream. We started almost instantly and the stream was going quick, I would make some jokes now and then to make sure my chat thought I was okay.

*unknown tipped $1: I haven't forgotten...*

I look at the dono that popped up on my screen, the words confused me at first and chat was going mad with questions.

*unknown tipped $1: you can add this to the total. Or I'll kill her*

Realisation hits me and I start to panic that my whole stream was catching on to what was happening. I say goodbye to George and Clay, making up some bullshit excuse and then I end my stream.

How did they find my Twitch, I hadn't told them about my job for this exact reason, I knew they would try and tarnish it. I didn't know what to do, if chat read that last dono I'm sure it would blow up on Twitter and then she might find out, I can't let that happen. I didn't even know if she had Twitter, I barely fucking knew her at all.

Even though it's only been a month she's broken down a few of my barriers already without even realising it. I can't help but be angry with the world and everyone in it, but when I'm with her she makes me feel like I'm wrong for being so rude.

*why end it so soon, I was having fun*

I scan my eyes over the text message that had just come through on my phone, at first I thought it was Clay or George but when I see the unknown ID I know who it is.

*I told you I need time* I reply, anxiously waiting for the next text.

*do you think I have fucking time? I want what's mine*

I don't reply, I didn't know how to reply, I didn't have what they wanted. I needed more time.

*she will die*



Ashlyn POV.


I was feeling pretty damn happy today. The other night was amazing, falling asleep to Sapnap's gentle singing in my ear while laying peacefully on his lap. I just wished he was always so carefree and gentle, maybe then whatever this was might be more.

He was so confusing to me, I knew nothing about him yet I felt like I knew him so well. He was an angry person who pissed me off endlessly, yet he also made me feel alive. I could have deep chats with him and come out feeling somewhat content, how did he do that? How does he know how to calm my thoughts.

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