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Ashlyn POV.

I was exhausted, we'd driven all the way to the airport and were now around 3 hours into our flight, I'd done the bare minimum yet I was exhausted. It had taken us a while to get through security so I had done a lot of standing around and waiting.

Before I moved to Texas I'd never been on a plane, so I'd always had an irrational fear of them. My fear has definitely subsided after flying over here, but I still felt the anxious pang in my chest whilst we were waiting. Every now and then we'd hit some rough turbulence which brought my heart race back up, I think Sapnap started to notice because he would lean over and gently squeeze my hand.

I was wedged between Sapnap and George, which in all honestly I thought would be a little awkward given past situations. However, luckily Sapnap spent the whole time staring into the sky or occasionally looking back at me, checking I was okay. As for George, he was either fast asleep or unintentionally flirting with Clay.

Being in the middle seat I was still able to look out of the small circular window next to Sapnap, which was comforting to me. The weather would change sporadically, one minute the skies were clear with a few fluffy clouds and other times they would turn a dull grey which made me wonder if the land below was covered in rainfall.

Other than staring into the pale sky, my mind was torn, on one half I wanted to sleep as I knew when we land in England it will only just be becoming morning so I'd have to last the entire day before I could sleep again. Yet the more manic side of my mind was spiralling with questions and scenarios of the holiday I had no idea about up until a few hours ago.

One question stood out to me in the mess of it all: What will my family think of Sapnap?

I grew up spending a large amount of time on my own, I'd spend hours and hours taking pictures or finishing up school work so I never had the time to be a teenager. I didn't go out to big house parties let alone even be invited to them, I kept my circle small and it always seemed to work for me.

The only downside to my solidarity was that I developed a close bond with my whole family. In hindsight site it was a good thing, but when it comes to things like having a boyfriend it can be interesting.

When I met Tyler, I didn't tell my family for a while, I was worried how they would react. I'd been there "little girl" for so long that I was sure it would shatter their visage of me, it was stupid really. I was never going to stay alone forever and I know they would come to terms with that.

Fortunately, Tyler broke my heart and stepped on it a few times before I ever got the chance to introduce my family to him without the huge ocean between us.

"What's so special about the netting on that seat?" I hear a low voice from next to me.

In a flash I'm reminded that I shouldn't be worried about what my family think, because in reality I didn't have a boyfriend. Truthfully, I wasn't sure what my relationship was with Sapnap at this moment in time.

"Well you see, the pattern is-"

"I know damn well you're not actually studying that netting Ashlyn, what's up?" He stops me.

I let out a small laugh and shrug my shoulders, I didn't really want to discuss my current thoughts with him. Especially when they concern our relationship status.

Thankfully, before my face could become too flushed and my heart race could become any quicker, our conversation was interrupted by a flight attendant.

"Is everything okay for you two?" She smiles, a wide and exaggerated toothy smile.

"All good thanks." Sapnap was rushing his words. He was probably pissed that out of the last few hours of our flight they picked the one time we started talking to come and interrupt us.

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