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💐hubby💐 from💐 journey💐


the days were like a beautiful bliss for the two. the more they spend
time with each other the more they feel satisfaction about their
decision. days and night of tharn was spending at type place . though
tharn had inner desire that type shift to  his house but at the same
time he wasn’t willing to force type .and with unwanted willing tone
he prepared himself to wait for the day when type himself  showed his
desire to live with him . though living a new life tharn was busy in
job and type was finding his father . he visited the old family house
but it was no more . the address which type had was now a commercial
area occupied by shinning glass sky scrappers. he being stranger in
his family land had no clue form whom he asked about the man he was
finding . and by asking from anyone he wasn’t willing to send any
alert signal to his biological father . in fact he lost hope to see
him and asked him all those question which always stay alive and
blabber inside him. though living with tharn but type didn’t share his
secret with him . now seeing failure in his mission , he thought a lot
to tell tharn so  he helped him but then he himself rejected this
idea.  tharn also noted some absence in type but he just call it
tiredness of tourism. month was going to complete . tharn was anxious
because type time was coming near .he had desire to give some name to
his relation with type but for this he wanted to know the decision of
type . after thinking lot , one day when he returned from office on
the way he bought chocolate pies with champagne flowers. as unlock the
door of the house under type use , smell of food walked him in kitchen
area where type was busy in setting table . placed his bag on counter
, tharn wrapped his arms around type from his back . “ my baby did a
lot for us today . any important occasion today .” tharn whispered.
“sit and dig in” type tried to free himself but the grip was strong.
type drag the chair in front of him and tharn sat on chair with type
on his lap but still keeping his grip on young lad. “ say , what you
want to say “ type asked while filling plate with food and then
spooning tharn mouth . while chewing tharn again run quick view on his
thought and said “ in few days , you will be back and after six months
you will be graduated . then you will move for professional life.” but
cut by type “ mr tharn come to point please . I don’t ask you about my
convocation date . don’t be strolling astrologer.” “ type its typical
but I in real senses want you to bind with me for whole life. I know
there is lot of difference  regarding our ages , our careers , our
countries. but as I said that I am ready to follow you . wherever in
which part of world you want to live I will live there with you . type
, I want you to meet my parents because I want you to be mine
officially . and as far as meeting with your parents is concerned” and
as far as my parents are concerned  we will talk to them after dinner”
type said calmly . “ what..what you say” tharn was surprised on words
of type . “ yeah , mom dad wants to talk to you . why are you  so
shocked” type asked simply. “not shocked but I was afraid while
talking to you about my parents meet up but you already arrange
surprise meet up.” tharn said and kissed the shoulders of type while
teasing the sensitive part of type which moaned him badly. “stop
tharn” type said while slapping his  hand .” no , I want to celebrate
my success. I know our parents will bless us and we will live together
for ever.” tharn said . “ not now but after talking with my mom dad .”
type said . “ don’t forget otherwise don’t complain for the
punishment.” tharn said while surrendering. with hopes of future in
eyes and sweet whispers , they hardly end their dinner . as type dried
the last dish , type mobile rang flickering with notification of video
talk by his mom . as type punched yes saw his momdad . with wicked
smile , he said hello . “ so finally you find one perfect for you.”
type mom shaofei asked . “ yeah , unfortunately dad isn’t lucky like
me .” type replied to his mom . but laughed a lot when his dad tangyi
wrapped his arm around shaofei and winked. “ so where is your man our
future son in-law” tangyi asked.  “ hello sir I am tharn” tharn
introduce himself . “ you are person who kidnap our baby simply
easily.” tangyi said . “ no sir the truth is he make my heart crazy
after him . I am just trying my best to keep his heart contented , his
soul satisfied with me .” tharn replied . “ are you solicitor or a
writer” shaofei asked . “ mom, he is my boyfriend , don’t nervous him
by such remarks .” type defended tharn. “ tharn , its nice to meet you
and I can feel what you feel about him . since he step in adult phase
of life he made friends with many but he never ever gave status of
special to someone. I am happy that he has you . I can sense his
possessiveness for you . we ill like to meet your parents if they
accept and bless your and type relation . for us you are part of our
family .welcome to family .” tangyi said with smile . “ thankyou sir
you will never regret your decision . “ tharn , just care him lot he
is our whole life . I wasn’t allowing him to travel to Thailand but
now I realize that  it is best decision that I allow him and he met
you . I as mother now relief .welcome my son in-law .” shaofei said .
“ he is my responsibly don’t worry about him from now on.” tharn
assured type parents . after some more gossip youngster said goodbye
to elders. as call was disconnected, than picked type in broad way and
stepped towards their room “ you promise so its time to fulfill the
promise” tharn whispered while laying type on his back on bed .
as the sun shien touches the smooth skin of type , he turned and tried
to hide in his partner lying next to him but the person was no more .
lazily saw a note instead “ today I have to leave early but breakfast
is ready and in evening mom dad invite us for dinner so remain ready .
if you have nay program of strolling then back before 4pm. I love you
my wifey”  your hubby .
though smiled but mumbled “ who hubby” . lazily left for freshen up
but mobile start to ring with name tharn on screen. type on the call “
how you know that I awake finally.” “ I know every thing . even I can
tell that you are biting your lips and with other hand touching your
uneasy part of body .” tharn replied. “ shut up what are you talking
about . why you call. “ type asked . “ I left my vault at home in
night stand drawer. I am sending office driver to collect it  . so
kindly give It to him .” tharn said. “ okay I will goodbye “ type said
quickly because if he talked some more time it will become really
difficult for him to control himself. placing mobile back on
nightstand , he walked to other side of bed and opened the drawer to
takeout the vault . after taking vault , it fell on ground and some
cards feel from it .” so careless, why not zip so that things not
scattered if fell down .” type cursed .a open the vault to place
things back, type was shocked to see the pic in the vault picture
pocket . type was shocked . tears shed from eyes. “ finally I found
you but see how I  find you . the person whom I was searching from few
days , I had no clue that you are so close to me . you are father of
that person as well whom I consider my boyfriend ..” as door bell rang
type quickly getup and gave the vault to person who was there on
behalf of tharn. “what I do; I should leave or meet that person . I
made love with person who is my brother.” type was in mess. finally
reached conclusion . called to airport and booked his flight for US .
and left note on door which tharn read when he happily reached home to
pick type “ lets breakup mr tharn. we are not compatible . we are not
suitable . don’t try to contact me ever . I don’t want to kill you.
type.” tharn sat down outside the house holding the note in his hand .


thankyou for reading  following
i m grateful
to be continue
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🦋hubby from journey(tharntype/mewgulf) (complete)by kbunny🦋Where stories live. Discover now