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🌨🌨hubby from journey🌨🌨


all slogans in life which appear either to smile us or threat us with
heavy loss can’t be control easily. though with good hope win flew to
Thailand so that he with bright solve all clashes . but simon was very
cunning . he already took an expensive initiative before the jet of
win touches the ground of Thailand . simon was limited in house
premises according to orders of Jason but still simon was simon . and
once any thing ride on his mind he have to complete it no matter what
price he had to pay . simon was in anger because his son his husband
he feel they slip from his hands and he strongly believe that the
snatcher is no one but shaofei. so simon decided to  talk ne last time
before his hired killer killed shaofei and type. tracing shaofei was
no more difficult. simon dialed the number of shaofei mobile . on
third ring , the call was received. the receiver was no one but the
shaofei . the voice of shaofei was similar to their father , mr Robert
Milano  , the famous solicitor of Korea . “hello , who is there ..are
you listening me”. shaofei asked from the other side. with sigh simon
said “ from the day , I start to know world, I am listening you
,seeing you living  happily with whom you want when you want wherever
you want.” the word were like molten lava which scratch al the old
wounds of shaofei. with great courage shaofei said “ sorry , you have
wrong number.” but was startle by warning of simon “ shaofei, don’t
cut my call shaofei its matter of type life.” “ simon, you have
problem with me , don’t look towards my son otherwise I will not  let
you go easily”. shaofei warned. “don’t harsh with me because it
results only in chaos and nothing else” simon mocked . “listen,
simon,I gave all to you  whatever I had even I signed divorced
document so that you  live with person you love .i transferred my
share in assets to you as well . now what you want . if you have any
problem it should be with me not with type .tell me simon how you
leave me?”  “ ask Jason to come back to Thailand with tharn and make
it sure that type and tharn wont meet in future. otherwise , I will
not hesitate to put bullet in type soul.my final warning to you.”
simon threatened and disconnect the call. simon smile in devilish
manner , place the mobile on counter and sip the glass full of red
grape champagne . on the other hand , as call was disconnected,
shaofei almost ran out of his office to tangyi office who was busy in
his studying some case . shaofei hardly saved himself from falling on
floor. on seeing shaofei , tangyi stood from his seat but was abacked
when shaofei grabbed his collar “ where is type , tell me tangyi”
tangyi was speechless on seeing such worntorn shaofei. tangyi slightly
slowly rubbed the back of shaofei which loose grip on collar and
confined in arms of  tangyi. He made him sit on couch and gave him
glass of water to drink . tangyi sat on front of him, hold his
trembling hands “ shaofei, type is safe . he is with tharn and he is
safe don’t worried about him.” “tangyi simon will kill him ; please ,
tangyi take me to tharn house , type Is pregnant. I something happens
to him then what we will do … tangyi .. tangyi…”shaofei had lost his
courage in tears of worry for his kids . tangyi took his car keys and
with shaofei drove to home. on reaching home , he gave some
tranquilizer to shaofei so that he sleep for some time so that his
nerves calms down.


the confession of bright at midnight surprised tharn. he with
unbelievable expression saw towards bright . as trying to know as
bright was telling truth or asking himself whether he should trust
bright or not. “you are my elder brother from dad first marriage. but
I never heard ever from my mom dad.” tharn replied . bright smiled and
placed his hand on tharn shoulder “ its okay, if they never talk about
it. I may not unveil this secret on you but the situation demands that
all secrets of past must be opened and solved. just wait till you get
to know the truth .” “ truth, is what I m nit anxious about it. I am
just worried about type. any kindof stress can be harmful for him. I
just need way which calms his mom .” but tharn was cut by bright “ not
only type mom but also your mom . the day your mom calms down all will
settle down for ever in a perfect manner . trust me . now go inside .
type Is alone in room . god night”. bright said and tharn with smile
left bright alone. Unaware of the fact that type had seen both of  the
boys sitting together. on seeing coming inside the house , type
quickly slipped in his bed. as tharn opened the door quietly so that
type maynot disturb. Locked the door and laid on the bed. type face
was in front of his eyes. with smile touched the face of type and
whispered “ open your eyes I know you aren’t sleeping anymore.” type
opened his eyes and hold the hand the tharn which had embrace type
cheek “ you always caught me . I woke and found you were not in bed.
then I walked towards window saw you in garden with bright . then I
came back and laid down.”  “ type if fate and heaven turn against us
and put all effort to apart us then will you stand by my side .  I
don’t have good feelings no one knows that I cant live without you . I
cant .” tears fell form the eyes. type softly wipe the tears and
kissed the head of tharn, laid on tharn chest and tharn wrapped his
arms around type. “ I know you have fears of  past days . I am ashamed
that I made you suffer but I promise that I wont leave you no matter
what happen . I will stay by your side. and now I have our baby . how
can I go away from you. no way. I cant live without you . I know there
are problems but we will face all.”type replied calmly . though both
had promise oneself to stay by side of beloved but they weren’t aware
what fate heaven time and people think for them.


  to be continued
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 I am grateful
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🦋hubby from journey(tharntype/mewgulf) (complete)by kbunny🦋Where stories live. Discover now