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🌨🌨🌨hubby from journey🌨🌨🌨


after solving personal clashes , tangyi shaofei was ready to for
suppasit mansion. on the way , shaofei asked tangyi to stop near the
cake house. with node , tangyi stopped the car. shaofei quickly left
the car and rushed into the store. and came back with 10  boxes of
cakes with help of store staff. put them in back seats and sat on
passenger seat and buckle the belt. tangyi Ignited the engine and
drove to the destiny. “why so many cakes of boxes” tangyi asked. “for
my kids and simon.”simple answer from shaofei. “oh, but where is my
box” tangyi asked while holding hand of shaofei. with smile , shaofei
tightened the hug of hands. finally entered in suppasit mansion .
shaofei for a while hesitated but tangyi gently patted his shoulder.
and node him to go inside . with sigh shaofei left the car with tangyi
and walked towards the entrance of suppasit . tangi pressed the call
button and door was opened by non other than simon. simon saw shaofei,
tangyi. simon stepped back to give way to guests. trembling ashamed
simon was surprised when a body embraced him in his blessing .though
fear of illusion , simon also snaked his arms around the body . both
started to sob as trying to wash away all inner disbeliefs about each
other and clearing the path of  heart and brain for  good of each
other . after few minutes, both finally stopped . tangyi gave tissues
to both and in embrace walked to living room. and made them sat  on
couches and pour water in glasses and gave them. both brothers were
sitting sidebyside with holding hands of each other. “ no need to cry
any more.” shaofei said while wiping his brother face with his hands
gently. “shao, I am sorry for all I did. the truth is that I know from
day one that what ever I am doing is wrong either it was mike push or
you Jason . but I was walked too much deep in many guilts that I
satisfied myself by saying that it is right . because momdad gives you
miek more importance than me. I killed my own brother . that brother
who always said that he will lay his life for me . I burned your home
because I thought that the most wealthy handsome man is for me you
aren’t suitable for Jason.and see, I hired my own nephew leedon wook,
son of my brother mike to kill my other nephew type just for the fear
that Jason mayn’t divorce me and marry you again for his son. due to
me, my own son suffer from heart disease. how much cruel I am for
those people who are mine from all aspects . I am so wicked for those
who sacrifice oneself only for me . I am so ungrateful to all of my
people who always forgive me for my sins. honestly , shao I don’t
deserve anything neither such life nor such lovely family.” shaofei
hugged his brother and thought  “you were right mike the most pitiful
persona the person who needs sympathy and support is simon who though
aware that he is doing wrong was still unable to find way to free
himself demonic circle .” “ where is Jason bright win” shaofei asked
simon who was now laid in lap of his brother . “ Jason in library and
bright win went out for a meeting with some group before leaving for
Thailand.” simon told. “so why are you lying inmy lap so calmly get up
and do your packing you will be late. get up .” shaofei said . simon
remained silent and refused to get up. shaofei wait for few minutes
but simon remained in his lap. meanwhile tangyi came back in living
room with Jason. Jason bow down and was about to return when tangyi
made him sat on the couch . simon also sat down on the couch. “Jason,
what wrong between you two why in such old age you two behave like
couple getting married few minutes ago and now confuse about their
decision that why we get married in so hurry we should take time to
think and understand each other. what’s wrong between you two. why I
feel ice between you two.” shaofei asked . “sha0fei, what they will
tell I tell you . both are so brave enough that they are going to end
their relationship. after spending a youthful time , they both are
divorcing and after a week the family court will confirm their divorce
.” “ not only this , dad is going to handover business to me and tharn
and he is thinking to settle down in some countryside of Thailand.”
shaofei turned to see  his elder son bright with win . both came and
hugged him and tangyi . bright say next to shaofei . “ momma, I am so
happy to see you . you forgive us or still angry” . bright asked while
kissing his mother hands. “ fo how long I can remain away from you .
its my bad that i take too much time too understand all otherwise it
was not a matter.” after a pause shaofei said “ Jason simon , after
spending 30 years together and giving birth to baby , you suddenly
realize that both of you made grate blunder by going against all and
hurting all. what is done is done. if you both think that by divorce
all can get better then fine . do you get powers to bring back all who
suffered . can you bring back our youth.” shaofei was cut by win “
momma, divorce decision is solely of jason dad  and not of simon mom.”
 “ever think that tharn need you both after passing through chronic
heart disease. by divorcing you will both separate your paths and will
definitely get busy in new lives soon because everyone needs partner
to live whether  that partner changes every night so I wont deny  that
you both are saints and will not seek for partners . Jason simon, you
both have spend your time together when your family is going to big at
that moment you are walking out . is it we learn from our elders.
parents sacrifice themselves for their kids you both are slaughtering
and burning your own kids very gently. withdraw your application of
divorce and give eachother another chance .” shaofei tried to make
both realize that they are wrong . “shao is right. if you think that
simon is wrong then you are wrong too Jason because you knew about
simon stupidities. you also cheated shaofei and also suspicious about
the baby born. that but it was written that two stupids fall for each
other and spend life together enjoying each other stupidity. you both
were wrong so no need to make yourself guilt because it was all past .
type is pregnant and one day bright will also get pregnant then who
will take care of babies. and lee is still single we cant leave him
alone .say something simon Jason don’t listen say something.” tangyi
hissed . simon stood finally and sat in front of Jason , holding his
hands and buried his face in hands “ I know I did lot wrong .
everytime after doing wrong I promised myself that I wont do wrong . I was jealous too much that no one loves me ,see me with theme of loving
me . I whenever sae the mirror I told myself I am beautiful handsome
and only the handsome gorgeous wealthy person on this earth belongs to me. on seeing you and working with you, my initial step was just to
put you and shao in pain so that you and shao get separate and somehow
baby dies as well. I achieved all successfully but Jason, I in real
sense fall for you. I am in love with you . I don’t need this money
this status . I just need you with me. from the day you express your
hatred I always pray that before signing documents I should die
because mylife without you is nothing . in this world if anyone love
some in real sense , its just you Jason. I cant live without you. even
though tharn bright treat me well after divorce as their mother , I
still feel guilt in facing them.” silence prevailed and  the palms of
Jason had tears of simon . simon lifted his head, wipped his face so
he see Jason clearly, cupped his face “ don’t leave me I will die .
don’t hate me I will suffocate . I am addicted to you love to your
embrace to your softness and to your fragrance around me . I cant live
with out you don’t leave me . I love you Jason I love you lot .” simon
suddenly placed his head on feet of Jason . Jason quickly hold the
shoulders and moved him away from his feet . “are you mad what are you
doing. I am not going to divorce you . how can I . though I thought
but bright tharn warned me that they will leave me as well if I think
to leave you and end this marriage . shaofei tangyi are right we
should live on for our grandkids . you know after long time I listened
the confession fromyou” jason said then bends and whispers in simon
ear “ and it hards me” . “ I love you simon” Jason said and kissed
forehead of simon . and both sat together with smile onface .  “ I
want to talk something important before tharn type appear.” shaofei
said . “ what important momma” win smirked . “ tell me what your plan
of family. when we are going to enjoy our grands” tangyi questioned
win brignt which made both smile and shy . “  where is tharntype .
they still not come to meet us are they angry.” tangyi imquired about
his  young son . “ dad, they have appointment with gynecologist. tharn
Is becoming sensitive about babies and type health . even If type
sneeze, tharn call whole mediacl team for his check up. moreover ,
they had some plan of shopping . see when they come .” win replied. “
Jason simon, before they came I want to discuss something I know in
past I wasn’t agree and then I asked tharn to kill himself . I was
wrong . I want that we tie them in marriage vows. I  know that its
type last year of graduation . but for now the most important is the
baby and they should welcome their baby as couple not as fiancée so if
in a family ceremony they get married . if you both get agree.”
shaofei put suggestion . “ shao, who we are to deny your words. we are
agree . tomorrow evening in a small get together we ll tie them as far
education is concerned , we can ask university to freeze semester and
after birth , type can complete his education. I and simon will take
care of our grandbabies unless win bright also give us their babies to
brought up.” Jason said which just madd the young couple red. but they were unaware that they were two standing behind listening them . they were tharntype  just reached home. on seeing the car of tangyi ,both
quickly walked inside but on listening the talks about them , they
stayed behind to listen and finally they get to know that parents are
going to tie them in vows of  forever love . hardly controlling their
emotions , they appeared in living room. type almost ran to shaofei
and hugged him . “ how much I miss you , you had no idea. mom, don’t
get angry again. nothing was good without you.” type said. shaofei
extended his arms towards tharn . and when tharn came near him,
shaofei also embrace him beside type . “ thankyou tharn for loving
type and caring him . even I cant care him in way as you are caring
and calming him. I am worry my kids forgive their momma.and type I am
thankful to you  because due to you our family is complete . thank you
my son thankyou.”  smile and contentment was on faces of all . the
suppasit mansion walls heard laughter and saw life after a long pause.
meanwhile simon tharn win cooked meal for all. and after coffee tangyi
shaofei came back to home. but they stopped at ace sky home where lee
was living with them. as they stopped , the three was sitting in
garden enjoying the evening with evening snacks . on seeing a new
face, both elders smirked . on seeing the elders , young came to
welcome them . after greeting, they sat in garden. “ how are you all.
still angry with momma.” shaofei asked . “ nope momma, how can we .
just fear of your scolding otherwise we  always came to see you “ lee
told while hugging shaofei. “ who is this pretty girl, single married,
engaged , committed” tangyi asked . “ hello sir, I am jo bo ah. I am
psychiatrist and I am ace cousin from mother side.” the girl introduce
herself .


to be continued
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 I am grateful
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🦋hubby from journey(tharntype/mewgulf) (complete)by kbunny🦋Where stories live. Discover now