THE First Meeting

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Solar pov*

S:yahh hwasa yahh wake up were gonna be late because of you...
H: nee unnie but what time is it unnie?
S: oh it's (6:01) 7: 10!
H: oh sh*t!!! Okay im gonna shower im not gonna eat and eat now unnie don't be starve your asthma is not Healed okay!
( go to bathroom).
S:tsk asthma asthma i hate it but my mom died because of cancer and my dad because of car accident i need to fight
Hwasa im gonna eat do u want some cereal
H: yes but we have no time to eat
S: yes we have it's just 6:10
H:whatttt?!!! This is the first time you trick me?!!! Okay okay i know your excited in the new school okay eat now!!!
S: yess im gonna eat now.!
[after an hours they go and arrive at new big school]

Byul pov*

I was sleeping peacefully but the f*cking alarm just rang do loud and i throw it anywhere and someone said
Wheein:you ruin another alarm clock huh it's expensive!!!!!
Byul: who care u don't care that alarm disturbing me?!!!
W: don't care we have school!!!!
B: okay im gonna shower now!!
( irritate tone)
W: i though your gonna back in your sleep i almost gonna kill you hehe
B: i know i know tell to yaya that fried some nuggets and kimchi and som3 food im hungry!!
W: your sooooooo lazy!!!!!
B: atleast im handsome
W: im handsome too and i have big here( point in her pants)
B: tsk big?!!! It's just 8!
W: nit it's 12 blee hahahaha
( run out side room).
B: 12 your ass im 14 inc

Author: tsk how you fucked the girl she will gonna wreck!!!!!

[after an hours they arrive in school and all girls are shouting but they don't care]

At school*
Hwasun pov*

At room*
Hwasa: yahh unnie?!! Im here your sleep aga8n in room yahh yahh
Solar: who care!!
Byul: me? Who students is gonna sleep in here
Wheein:you? Byul you sleep here don't deny
Byul: okat i sleep here i Don't care too sleep now beautiful sexy girl(sexy said but she shock solar is just eye rolled in her and sleep again)
Wheein:i think this 2 girl us strong and we can't get them easily tsk their not the other that they like us because we have so much money
Byul:( im gonna make you mine forever) yes i think you and that sexy look lion  is look good together hmm hahahah

After hours *
The teacher done classes and recess time

Byul pov*
Byul:am... hwasa? can i ask you something.?
hwasa:is it true important??
byul: yes and just you?
Hwasa: okay unnie im gonna talk to her wait for me unnie don't go anywere you might lost
Yong: yes and be fast hmm im scared alone( said without feeling)
Hwasa: of course my baby rabbit
Yong: hahaha okay now talk

Hwabyul pov*

Hwasa: so what i know you want to know my sister? Why you like her..?
Byul:h- how did you knw?
Hwasa: when you look at her at class? Tsk im not stupid byull... What ypu want to know about her?
Byul:what she want?
Hwasa: almost day she want some friends but she's afraid because when were at  old school
Someone almost raped her yeah unnie is too innocent for some sexual talk and she don't want someone disturbing her when she's sleeping butwhen i disturb her she up like a bunny and acting like madbunny like she is 18! That time and look like 5 years old
Byul: so she's innocent cute girl.. Hmmm im gonna make her mine and im gonna protect her to someone else okay hwasa thank you can you please Introduce us and be friends with us
Hwasa: of course solar is not that
Snober she friendly too you can go to our house and yeahh let's celebrate nothing ahahha bye
Byul:okay im gonna go there with lisa jennie seulgi irene wendy and joy is busy oh jisoo and chaeyoung and! My dog(wheein)
Hwasa: oh solar love dog
Byul: hahaha let's see who's dog im gonna get Hahaha
Hwasa:don't make surprises huh hahahaha dumbass
Byul: HAHAHA okay oky go no solar might scared Haha
Hwasa: okay okay

After recess
They go to the  room and disscuss
Done class ( im lazy bitch)

Wheebyul pov at car*
Wheein:yahh Don't be Haste
Where are we going home first I'm tired
Byul:no you're gonna love where. Were we going your crush is there hehe
Wheein: h- hwasa!! Okay okay let's goooooo!!!!
Byul: excited huh? Hahaha
Driver: sir where were we going?
Wheein:to my crushhhhhhh!!
Byul: yahh Don't shout your so loud puppy!  To the new appartment in daegu
Driver: okay sir send the location done
Byul:get out now im gonna drive this this is the money(give 50 thousands)
Driver:okay sir have a safe trip
Byul:thanks have a safe trip at your house to buy some yummy food for you cute kidoo hmm
Driver:yess sir im so lucky to have a boss like you!!
Byul: im lucky to have you bye
Driver: bye sir( bid a goodbye)

Solar pov*

Yong: yahh why are you buy some food no one gonna eat that here that's so many!!! ( said while laying in the couch and watching some little pony)
Hwasa:we have some cute visitors
Yong:oh okay  ( watching little pony)
Hwasa: can you please stop watching that ugly pony!!!
Yong: yahhh their not ugly they so cuteeeee!!  How there you!
Hwasa: it's for!  5 years old you're 20.!!!
Yong:i don't care!  !!

Someone knock
(Lisa jennie seulgi irene jisoo chaeyoung is arrive wheein and byul is not)
Lisa:where byul?
Jennie:hi guy ahm hi solar im jennie! Im cute and sexy
Lisa:tsk such a feeling oh btw she's mandu
Irene: stop that cringed move lisa
Im irene im visual
Solar: that's true your the beautiful in your group when i saw you but you look a little ahm Unkind
Seulgi: she's kind but her face born like that she's cute bunny too hahaha
Irene: i know( pose like bunny)

After some chitchat
(solar. Is still watching little pony)

Someone knock
Solar: im gonna open it hwasa just cook there

Byul pov*
Byul:i ring there bell and i saw in front of the door is solar my heart beat is so fast and i bow at her ( solar just smile and back at the couch and watch again).
Byul:im here! Hwasa oh here is my pet! Dog
(All laugh)
Hwasa: hahahhaah wheein ah hahahahahaha you're her pet?! Haha kyowo!!
Wheein: im to cute to be her pet bitc-.
Hwasa: ( Covered her mouth)
Don't curse in here there a kid watching little pony(silent laugh)
Byul: oh it's solar? Haha

Solar:no- nooo runnn. Faster go blast!! Aiiiiiiiiiiiggoooo you're sooooo slowwwwww!
Hwasa: unnie stop watching let's eat!
Solar:o-okay ( go to the dining area). Hi im solar! ( hi like a kid)

Byul is just staring at solar While solar is eating (byul mind)

Byul: (i wish that hotdog is my hotdog) hey solar are you drinking?
Solar: what? Ahn chocolate drink rainbow drink?
Hwasa: yahh HAHQ ahmm the bad drink unnie haha
Solar:no but if you want me im gonna drink it's embarrassing if im not gonna drink? Right?
Byul:Don't force yourself solar?
Hwasa:no she can drink but she can handle her self when she druk haha
Solar:when im drunk?
Hwasa:nothing lets go now let's drink!! We don't have school tomorrow sleep here byul wheein and more hahaha
All:okayyy!! Haha yours house is so comport
Solar: i have big room who want to sleep with me?
Byul:me? Just to of us? Can we?
Solar:yes! And how about the other?
Wheein:can i? Sleep with hwasa?
Hwasa:yes of course no prob about that
Jenlisa and seulrene gonna  sleep in the other room (hwasa said)

After so many drinks
Solar and wheein is drunk and. Jennie irene

Top: aigoo this girl ( out hwasa)
Hwasa: this puppy is so heavy aiigoooo
Wheein: atleast im cute right? ?
Byul:( pick solar bridalstyle)
Solar: owww my tummy is hurt....  Pony pony heal my hirt tummy
Byul: stop talking haha you look cute
Solar: they said that but when i look at my ugly face i can't

After some time

This is my first time making this and please appreciate it ilove yall

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