I Hate My Self(wheein)

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Byul: i was thinking if... We go to vacation....
Solar: look so stress baby?
Byul:hahah im just thinking baby(put solar in lap and move a little solar moans alittle) if we go all in vacation? Hmmm
Solar:that's good baby
Byul:your so flirty? Huh do yoy want me to wreck you? Again?
Solar: a- ani! Im good girl always!
Hwasa: unnie...... ~ sooooooo flirty why don't you just watch little pony hahah
Y/n: i have crush on(giggle)
Byul:yahhh study first and when you graduate im gonna buy what you want mansion.... Or something...
Y/n: im top1 in school tsk
Byul:i know because just like me duh haha
Y/n: ahmm oppa?
Solar:do you think its weird when she call you oppa you look unnie hahaa
Byul:shut up... Hahaha.
Y/n : let's go some vacation oppa.!
Byul: okay! Where you want?
Y/n: idk like beach? Or something?
Wheein: let's go paris y/n!
Y/n:oh ohaaa yeehhhh ahahaha
Hwasa:(i don't think if im ready to be wheein girlfriend she do what i want for me cook for me every day and treat me like a princess but....)
Wheein:(its been 1 months 1 day before hwasa think if im gonna be her official girlfriend i wish she will say yes)

3 hours later!

Byul: guys! My private plane is in airport now... Let's go!!

All:were ready!
Y/n:legoooo paris!!!
Solar&y/n: leggoooo
Byul:Look so good together huh haha so close huh ahaha

Hwasa is so quiet because she can't think if she will say yes she love wheein but she don't know how to explain and she don't know her all feeling

Wheein: hey lion? Are u okay??
Hwasa:a- ah yess
Y/n:(i saw unnie hwasa so quiet so i go to her and hug her) unnie! Be happy im gonna be your frenny hahaha
Hwasa: this kids hahaha okay okay
Wheein: (smile)

*at the paris*
Im lazy sorry ahaha

Solar:wowww so cold hahaha
Byul: here my coat
Solar:how about u?
Byul:im okay i use to it this cold is just fine haha
Solar:thank you!

Wheein pov'

I go to my room yeah! Byul is have a mansion in here...
Were wealthy i was thinking how to say this hwasa if she reject me im gonna kill my self im real.... Hurt.....
Wheein: i hate my sel-
Hwasa came in and drag her bag
Wheein: oh yahh you b-
Hwasa:wheein look(serious) im sorry this is the one that i can say IM SORRY
Wheein:wh- what do you mean? I-i can't understand you? Why?
Hwasa:i-I can't love you(i love you wheein your father is threatening me to stay aways from yoy because were not rich as you) i hate you i don't like you your so selfish (to make me fall inlove to you) i hate you(crying so hard)
Wheein: o-okay thank you for wonderful gift to me now... Ilove you....too hwasa i know why you don't love me because i saw that my dad scold you and...... Threatening you.... Please love ke just 1 week i need you pleasee just birthday gift( crying hard) pleasee HWASAAAA!!!! I KNOW YOU LOVE ME I CAN Not obey daddy to love you icannn die for you pleasee love me ilove you pleasee!! (kneeling down) please
Hwasa: stand wheein stand please don't do that in me im just poor and not wealthy like you pleaseeee stop loving me i don't love you!!! ( ilove you)

Wheein look at hwasa so sad and crying and run away

Wheein: im sorry.....

Go to pool*
Wheein:aghhhhh i hate my self!!! I hate my life!!!! This is the worst birthday everr!!! I hateeeee emy selffffff why people can't love meeeeeeee!
(throw the money and her card in pool and everything).
Ihate being richhhhh i hate being have all i hateeer!!!!!!! Aghhhhhhhggggg
Byul:yahhhh stoo that wheein come here!! Stop come down there! Come here
Wheein:(come down)  why girl can't love oppa? Whyyyyy im not ugly im not! Bully im no-
Byul:your perfect shhhh shhh i think hwasa is not for yo-
Wheein:but i love her(crying silent in byul shoulder) i love her than my life i love her oppa whyyy what's wrong with me i wish i was you that can easily get a girl like yongsun! Help me pleasee i can't take this anymore i want to die
Byul: how im gonna live if your not here shh stop saying that wheein im here for you and.... Ilove you shh im. Here... Hwasa is love you wait for her and you should respect her desition and JUST FIGHT DON'T GIVE UP HUH YOU WILL NOT GET HWASA IF YOUR JUST GONNA GIVE UP AND CRY THERE LETS GO AND Continue how you treat hwasa
Wheein:ne im sorry for being like this
Byul:why saying sorry? This is normal atleast you know how you love hwasa one day hwasa will appreciate your love huh don't give up!  Go stand and take a bath im gonna get the your card
Y/n: the money?
Wheebyul:yahhh you scared mee!!
Y/n: tskkk your such a waste how could you do this in poor money
Byul:say to all that were going to..... Restaurants to eat some nice food
y/n:okay oppa treat me huh i want some fries and Starbucks!
Byul:neee princess haha

After an hour they go to restaurant and wheein just staring at hwasa
Wheein: h-hwasa seat here ( smile)
Hwasa:t-thank you
Wheein: welcome ( can't take anymore) im gonna go at rest room excuse me
Wheein go to restroom and she Abselpted the tears fall
Lisa:look so down..... Its okay brooo don't give on hwasa i know hwasa is have a soft heart for you you know when your late in school she kept asking if where are you because she miss you amd she love you i know and i saw how she stared at you too
Wheein:okay you can do it wheein your strong! Okay let's go
Lisa:that's my brooo

After eating*
Im so lazy




SO THIS IS FOR TODAY! SARANGHAE ♥️❤️😭♥️❤️♥️❤️❤️♥️❤️😭❤️♥️

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