Dark Side

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After that happen byul is so happy that she got solar heart and she remembered that her little sis is coming from us
Byul:hwasa! Can you take care of solar im gonna Pick up someone!
Hwasa: okay! Got it
Wheein:can i stay here?
Hwasa:stay whenever you want wheein haha okay go to bathroom you smell so bad!
Wheein: yahh im still handsome!
Hwasa: arrasoo arrasoo

Byul pov*
I was in the airport and waiting for my baby little sister i miss her so much her cuddle and her smile!

Moon y/n *
Y/n:o- oppa!!! I miss youuu!!

Y/n run to byul and hug her like koala
Byul: i miss you princess!! Do you want to meet my? Girlfriend? And friends?
Y/n: sure why not? But im gonna meet jungkook later oppa!
Byul:meet who ever you want but tell me if they hurt you im gonna chop her until she die!
Y/n: stop oppa you look sooo ugly
Byul:yahh hahaha let's go now i miss you so much baby!
Y/n: me too oppa i mean unnie! ✌️
Byul: tsk just call me unnie hahaha in your new school they thought im girl!
Y/n: your hair! Is so long that's why oppa! Hahaha
Byul: let's go now my girlfriend is sore haha
Y/n:ohhhh you fucked her so hard?
Byul: yeah hahahaha she virg8n! You?! Your virg8n right?
Y/n:yeah of course! Why!! Do yoy think not ( scoff)

They drive and they arrive at solar house.

All shock
Wheein run to yn and hug her so tight hwasa felt jealous
Hwasa: hi im
Y/n:hwasa! Haha
Hwasa: h-how did you know?
Y/n: wheein always mentioning your name when im calling with her she will say you know i saw hwasa sooo sexy and sooo pretty iwan-( wheein close her mouth)
Wheein:your making a story again! Yn!.
Byul: where solar?
Solar:im here i can't stand because of you.... ( pout)
Y/n: kyowoo are you solar?
Solar:yeah what you name?
Y/n: moon y/n ( smile)
Jisoo:we didn't know that byul is having a cute and sexy sister....
Chaeyoung : yahhhh what did you say.!!!
Y/n:hahahaha your dead jisoo hahaha you already know me your just gonna tease rośe ahaha
Byul: hey princess go sleep in the blue room i know your. Tired
Y/n:ne opp- u-unnie!
Solar:oppa huh? ( smirk)
Byul:stop that smirk or im gonna fucked you again
Solar: (smile and acting like baby)  im not smirking okay
Hwasa: scary cat...
Solar: no im not it just so hurt!
Hwasa: oh hahaha i know but hope all
Wheein:we can do it what you saying hope all?
Hwasa:yahhh haha
Solar:hahaha so much love huh wheein haha
Byul:hey baby i love you

Byul put solar in her lap and kiss solar in neck solar try not to moans infront of their friend but she can't
Solar: ughhhh ahh byul stop not here
Hwasa: yeah not here RESPECT I LITTLE BITCH
Wheein: let's just do it!!
Hwasa:you're not my... Girlfr-
Wheein: excuse me boyfriend!
Y/n:o-oppaaa!! Ahhhhhhhh aahhhhhhh oppaaaaaa ( cry so loud)
Byul: oh sh*t ( run so fast and go to y/n she saw y/n laying in bed crying)  shhh baby baby im here shhh stop crying shhh ( tapping her hips like a baby to Calm her
Hwasa: what's? Wrong?
Byul:ahm she. Have a dark side when im 11 and she  8 were happy when someone came and it's daddyWoman2 and im so shock and my mom leave us like she not our mom and y/n is start to have a asthma and its getting Worse when my dad start to abuse us..... Im so numb to help her i saw my dad hitting her with belt and i saw her begging to stop and i saw my dad get some vase and hit y/n and i Stand up so strong and i hit her with my bat
And i saw my dad collapse and i pick my sis amd go to ambulance and she 50 50 because dad hit her at head and i saw her Thrilling and when doctors save them i pay them million much and they thank me but i thank them so much because they Save my love once
Hwasa:that was bad huh btw wheres your dad?
Byul:expect dead already....
Solar:so this little girl is so strong you too baby
Hwasa:promise this is the first time i saw solar soooo flirty
Solar:waee haha

They all laughing
To be continued*

So yeah this is so short im sorry and thank you for reading and... Ilove yall! ♥️❤️♥️
Thank you so much!
Have a yt acc!

I appreciate if you subscribe but if. Ilove you paren ahahha♥️🥰♥️

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