Chapter 7

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A/N: Sorry about how short this one is, I didn't wanna break the next part up at all. Thank you all for all the reads and likes! It really is so fun to watch you guys enjoy this little daydream I've created.

Taylor flew into town two weeks before Christmas, obliged by her father to make a longer than absolutely necessary visit at least once a year. The next morning, she woke up with a crick in her neck, the bedside lamp still on, and a face full of leftover makeup. Glancing at the clock, she realized it was only 2am, half of her was grateful she still had time to sleep and half was already resigning herself to the idea that she’d get a terrible night’s rest on this hard hotel mattress.  She willed herself off of the bed and into the bathroom, quickly washing her face and pulling on her pajamas so she could go to bed as soon as possible.

Several hours later, Taylor woke up in that hotel room for a second, equally uncomfortable time. Sure, the lights were at least off this time, but she hadn’t pulled the curtains closed before she collapsed into bed, so she might as well have left the lights on. She felt like she hadn't slept at all, despite knowing she had spent easily 7 hours laying on that bed. 

Even in her exhausted state, she remembered what she had promised her mother before she left. The word on the street was that the new coffee shop in town was owned by a “attractive single man” and her mother desperately wanted Taylor to go check it out while she was in town. Taylor assumed this was yet another try to get her to move back and was determined to not give her mother the pleasure of being right, but she didn’t hate the sound of coffee after such a rough night.

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