Chapter 11

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“I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have forced you to suffer through that! She’s never been that relentless before.” Taylor’s eyes are filled with an apologetic gaze, and her voice cracked slightly as if it was filled with too much anxiety to stay steady.

Joe glanced over at her and gave a small shrug of his shoulders. “Hey, for what it’s worth, my mom is just as bad. And, I can’t say I haven’t had practice with overbearing mothers in my time.”

Taylor pulled into his driveway, parked, and turned to face him. “That’s very sweet of you to say, but I wouldn’t blame you if you needed a strong drink after a day like that.” 

Without missing a beat, Joe quipped “I’d love a drink, but only if you’d join me.” She didn’t even try to think of an excuse, but just accepted with a joy filled smile stretching across her face. Once inside, Joe walked into the bedroom, pulled out a pair of sweats and a worn t shirt, changed into them, and returned to the drawer to find another set. He tossed them at Taylor,  turned on some music, and began to pour their drinks as she went to change in the nearby bathroom. 

Soon, he’s forgotten all about how he needs to be up early to open the cafe, finding himself wholly engrossed in the beautiful woman at the other end of his couch. Suddenly, she’s jumping off the couch and grabbing his hand. “Oh, this is one of my favorite songs!” She giggled, obviously a little bit affected by the alcohol, but he can’t help but wrap his arms around her as they began to dance. As the song fades out, he finds himself pulling her even closer, unable to keep his eyes off her lips. 

Maybe it was the alcohol coursing in his bloodstream, or maybe it was just pure nerve, but he slowly leaned down and connected their lips, just like he had all those years ago. The feeling that exploded in his soul was just like he remembered from all those years ago too. This time, however, he was far more patient, kept his big picture goal in mind, and left things at just one magical kiss. Oh, and an invitation to stay the night with him. But, what can he say? He’s only human and, god, had he ever seen a woman that beautiful?

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