Remus P.O.V

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It was a hasty decision. To take the train to London for someone he hadn't seen in 10 years. But this was Sirius. Nobody had an idea of how special he was for Remus. How much he missed him. It was only a year they spent together. But it was the most amazing year in Remus' life. 

"Sirius Black?? Are you on drugs? The same Sirius Black who is a famous model?" Lily asked very shocked as they took their seats on the train. Remus rolled his eyes. 


It was weird to had been friends with someone Remus now saw in magazines, commercials, half naked sometimes. Remus thought perhaps the funny and sweet boy he had met all those years ago was an arrogant asshole. That's why he hadn't called all these years. Or perhaps Remus was not that special to him as Sirius was for him. But now he had called and Remus didn't know what to believe. He needed him. 

Lily kept looking at Remus smirking like a fool. 

"What?" Remus asked. 

"Is he the reason you broke up with me?" 

Remus laughed. "And we are back at it. Oh come on sweetheart. I broke up with you for all men. Because I realized I fancied men... Not just him. Besides I met him briefly when I was like ten" 

Lily raised her eyebrow.

"And you decided to drop everything and travel to London for him? Yeah Lupin, I'm not that stupid".

"Oh sod off!" 

Lily laughed. She was his best friend in the whole world. They met on a school party. They were both loosers who bonded. And by the end of the night, Lily kissed him. They tried dating for a while. And then Remus realized he was actually gay. Lily took it pretty well. They've been besties ever since.

"Is it okay that I'm coming to your romantic date?" she asked. 

"It's not a date Lils. He just seemed pretty off. Perhaps something bad happened to him..." 

Remus was very worried. 

"Do you think he would give me autographed pictures? I can sell them online or to my annoying friends at Uni" 

"You're an asshole Lily"

"You're an asshole" she put out her tongue. 

Remus smiled. At least she was distracting him from his nervousness of seeing Sirius again. 

Remus instructed Sirius to go to a coffee place he used to go when he visited London. The Leaky Cauldron. One of his school mates worked there. Peter Pettigrew. 

Remus practically ran there. Lily running behind him.

And then he stopped. Remus saw through the window. Sirius was sitting there shaking, hands around a cup of coffee. Peter was eyeing him with his mouth opened. Sirius was wearing a school uniform? Remus recognized the black silky hair which was longer now. And those grey eyes. Those lovely grey eyes of his. Sirius had grown up to be a very handsome man. Remus had seen him in pictures and the telly but he was even more dashing in person. Remus heart skipped a beat. 

Remus and Lily entered the shop. It was practically empty. Except for a pair of old men. 

"Hi Peter" Lily greeted.

"Oh hi Lily! Remus!" 

But Remus didn't respond. He was static. 

Sirius was on his back and he quickly turned around. Remus saw he had been crying. But he smiled at him. 

"Remmy?" he said. Remus just nodded. Sirius ran to hug him. Remus was frozen on Sirius arms. He smelled so right. Just like he remembered. 

Lily and Peter exchanged glances. 

"Are you okay Sirius?" Remus asked carefully.

Sirius stopped hugging him. And he nodded sniffing. 

"Yes... Your friend is pretty nice. He gave me a free coffee" 

Remus smiled. This was the Sirius that he missed. 

"I couldn't charge him!" Peter protested "He is famous"

They all laughed.

"Thanks Pete" Remus responded.

"Hi I'm Lily. Remus best friend" 

Sirius looked kind of dissapointed. 

"Oh... Hi... I'm.."

"Sirius Black. I know"

Sirius blushed "Fan?"

"Sure!" Lily smiled. Bloody hypocrite, she wasn't. 

"So what happened Sirius? Why are you wondering the streets of London?" Remus smiled taking a bunch of hair off Sirius' face. 

"Well that's a good question. And it's a long story" he answered "Sorry to make you come all this way for me" he said looking down. 

"It's okay... I come here every Friday anyway. To spend with my mates... Normal stuff, you know? Not running around with a school uniform..." Remus smiled. 

Sirius laughed. This was them. That was their dinamic. They were just comfortable with each other. 

And then Sirius' stomach grumbled. 

"Oh someone is hungry" Lily said "Don't worry me too. This little asshole starved me all the way here" 

Remus rolled his eyes.

"Okay whinny bitch. We can eat something. My treat. Unless Peter decides to give us free food?" 

"You wish" 

Remus laughed "I tried"

"Rem you don't have to buy me anything" Sirius said embarrassed.

"It's okay Siri. You don't have any money, do you? What do you want? Mmm let me guess... Burgers and milkshake?" 

Sirius smirked. He knew him pretty well.

While they ate, Sirius told them why he decided to scape and how. Lily said his mother was abusing him. Remus remembered how strict she was back then. Lily also asked if Sirius needed a place to stay. And Lily also offered Remus' home. Shit, bloody Lily. 

When they arrived to Remus door, after it seemed like hours, Lily said goodbye. 

"Wait you're leaving so soon?" Remus asked. He wasn't ready to be with Sirius alone "But we were gossiping and doing stuff... You said you would sleep over" 

Sirius sighed looking to the other side. Perhaps thinking he was intruding. 

"Yeah but I'm bloody tired. And I need my own bed" Lily said "Instead you will have time to catch up" she winked at Remus. 

"It was nice meeting you Sirius Black..."

"Same" Sirius smiled "Your hair is pretty"

Lily gasped "Sirius Black thinks my hair is pretty"

The boys laughed "Oh by the way. Can I get you autograph?"

"Sure!" Sirius said "Do you have something to sign?"

See? Remus wanted to say. He doesn't go around caring pictures of himself. Lily found a receipt and Sirius signed it for her. 

"Thank you. Bye lads"

Lily left. Which came with an awkward silence. Sirius was looking at Remus. Intensely. Remus cleared his throat. 

"Well let's get in" he said 

"Yep" Sirius answered. 

And both boys went inside. 

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