Danger is right around the corner

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Sasha Banks is an up and coming lawyer for the DA office of the United States. Sasha has been given a case that could take down one of the strongest business women in the world Charlotte Flair. Charlotte has been linked to several drug cartels in Mexico and mafia activities here in the United States. But ever time they think they are close to getting her, the witness and assistant disappear. This forces the departments back to square one and we have to find someone new to get close to her. Sasha still felt that there a mole in the department that was keeping Charlotte informed of what was going on.

Sasha was getting ready to head to the office for a meeting with the DA. When a man came up behind her and places a gun in her back. "Don't say a word or you will be shot right here. Your coming with us Mrs Banks." The man tells her. The man partner gets out of the car and opens the trunk where they force Sasha into. After about a 20 minute drive, the car stops. The men pull Sasha out of the trunk and ties her hands together. The men proceeded to hook her hands to a hook that will left her up. Sasha found herself hanging there like a piece of meat.

"Well look what we have here the up and coming lawyer that the DA has so much faith in." Charlotte said coming out of the shadows. "What the hell do you think you are doing? Your kidnapping a federal employee." Sasha tells Charlotte. Charlotte just laughs at Sasha before speaking "Your going to be one less lawyer for the DA to use here in a few minutes. I want the information you have on me. Where is Ms Banks briefcase at?" Charlotte asked one of the men. "It's in the trunk let me go run and get it for you boss." The man said.

When the man reopened the trunk the briefcase was gone but he knew it was with her when they threw her in the trunk. "Sorry boss the briefcase isn't in the trunk." The man said. Charlotte backed hand the man and told him "Once you kill her go back to her place and look for that briefcase. If you can't find it than you will be sorry." Charlotte told both men. "Yes, boss no problem. Could we have some fun with her first before we kill her?" The men asked together.

Sasha didn't like how the men were looking at her and couldn't think how she was going to protect herself from them. "I don't care what you do just make sure you kill her and dump the body. Can't have her linked to me." Charlotte tells the men. Charlotte turned her attention back to Sasha "enjoy your last few minutes before they kill you. Once again I out smarted the DA office." Charlotte said as she got in her car and drove off. The two men now we're getting excited about the possibility of forcing themselves on this women before killing her. "What should we do to her first before we chop up her body." The one man asked the other.

"All I want right now is to hear her begging for us to stop." The other man said. The two men went to touch Sasha when a gun shot went off and hit one of the men in the hand and than another shot went off hitting the other guys arm. Both looked around trying to see who fired the shots. The shooter fired off two tranquilizer dart that hit both of the men in the neck. They were both out in second hit the floor hard. Sasha couldn't believe what just happened and was surprised when a figure appeared next to the men. "Let's get you off that thing before your shoulders give out." The masked person said.

"Thank you, my shoulders are starting to hurt." Sasha tells the person. "Those dumb ass broke the control to lower the hook. I'm going to lift you up so you could move your hands. Is that ok with you?" The person asked. "Yes that is fine, thank you for asking." Sasha said. The person walked over and wrapped their arms around Sasha thigh. Once the person wrapped their arms around her thighs, Sasha felt this strong pull to the person. When the person pushed her up, Sasha was able to remove her hands from the hook. When the person started to bring Sasha down, Sasha decided to wrap her arms around the person neck.

Sasha pulled the person into a passionate kiss and was hoping the person would kiss back. The person was taken back a little by Sasha action but kissed back and deepened the kiss. They only broke apart when air became a problem. "I'm sorry I couldn't help myself." Sasha said. "I'm not sorry that you did that. I want this to continue but I can hear the FBI coming. "Your not going to leave are you?" Sasha asked.  "No I'm not going anywhere. But I need to get these ropes off your wrist. I will be taken you to your office so don't let anyone try to take you." The person said.

Sasha understood what the person was telling here. Sasha couldn't believe that she kissed this masked person and the masked person kissed her back. Sasha started to wonder what the person would look like without that gear on. Sasha hasn't ever been drawn to someone before except for one. A group of cars pull up and the head of the secret service gets out of the first car along with the head of the FBI. The masked person placed Sasha in her car before she went to talk to the heads of each department.

"Hello Agent Martinez, what did you use to knock them out? How's Ms Bank doing any harm done to her?" The head of the FBI asked. "Normal tranquilizer darts. It was better to keep them alive to get more information from them. They both work for Charlotte Flair and she ordered the hit on Ms Banks." Agent Martinez told the men. The head of the FBI walked off to talk to other agents leaving the head of the Secret Service along with Agent Martinez. "I know you Martinez, do you have the whole thing recorded? What do you plan to do with the recording?" Rollins asked.

"Sir, I'm going to rewatch it and than give it to Ms Banks for her case. It's the right thing to do. I do need to get Ms Banks to her office. Will I see you there along with the head of the FBI." Martinez asked. "Yes we will be heading there now. We will see you soon and good job agent." The head of Secret Service said. Sasha watched as the agent walked up to her car. "Are we leaving now?" Sasha asked. "Yes you have a meeting at the DA office. But first I want to know how you are feeling do I need to take you to the hospital?" Agent Martinez asked. "No I don't need a hospital. I don't want to be late for my meeting. For how I'm feeling, I feel a little sick to my stomach and thankful that you were there to help me." Sasha said with a smile.

"Your welcome and thank you for the kiss." Agent Martinez said. Sasha reached her hand out and placed it on agent's knees. Sasha thought agent was going to remove her hand but all the agent did place hers on top of Sasha. Sasha was attracted to the agent and wanted to ask the DA if she could be assigned to her. Sasha wanted to be apart of her world but would the agent let her in. The agent brought Sasha hands to her lips and kissed it. Martinez wasn't one that mixed business with pleasure but there was something about Banks that drew Martinez to her. Martinez knew that she would do everything in her power to protect Sasha from harm.

They finally got to the DA office, "Ms Banks please wait for me to open your door and stay close to me." Agent Martinez told Sasha. "Ok no problem, how close will you let me get to you?" Sasha asked surprising herself. Sasha heart just melted when the agent smiled at her. Martinez got out and walked around to Sasha side of the car. She made sure it was safe before she open the door for Sasha. Sasha stayed close to the agent like she asked and soon enough they were in the building heading to 10th floor.

Sasha walked straight to the DA office with Martinez following close behind. Sasha smiled at the agent before entering the office. Sasha noticed that agent did not come in with her. Sasha noticed the head of both the FBI and Secret Service was already there and it look like they were waiting for them to arrive. "Sasha please take a seat. I hope you are doing ok?" The DA asked. "I'm doing fine thanks to agent saving me from Charlotte men." Sasha said. "I was just briefed on what happen and moving forward you will have an agent with you at all times. Charlotte must really be worried that we have something big on her to try take you out. With that said we would like to introduce you to the agent that will be with you from now on." The DA said.

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