The apartment visit

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"What floor is your apartment on?" Bayley asked. Sasha whispered in Bayley ear "my apartment is on the 7th floor." Once inside the elevator Sasha pushed the agent against the elevator wall and started placing kissing on the agents neck. "Is this ok? Do you want me to stop?" Sasha asked. "No I don't want you to stop." Bayley replied. The elevator door open and they stepped out. Bayley notice Sasha door was opened a little and could hear two men talking. The men's voices started to get loader so Bayley moved Sasha to a corner. Bayley without a word started kissing Sasha passionately. Bayley could see through the camera in her hat the two men walking out of Sasha apartment.

Bayley pickup Sasha and ran her hand up her thigh. Sasha couldn't hold back a moan. Sasha felt the agent hand go under her skirt and than she felt the agent hand touch her ass. Sasha couldn't stop herself "please don't tease me." "Just breath though your nose so we don't have to break to breath. Someone is ever turned on right now." Bayley said deepen the kiss. "Hey look at these two making out in the hall way. Hey, did you remember to put the tracking device in her luggage and where did you place the listing devices at?" One man asked the other man. "Shut up they could hear you. Really the one is getting banged hard and moaning. They are not listening to us at all. If you have to know one in the living room and in the bed room." The man said.

"Come on elevator. I hope we get this sex show on the video cameras when we turn them back on. Finally let's go." The man said. Bayley heard the elevator doors closed. Bayley stop kissing Sasha "We need to get inside before the security cameras come back on." Bayley told Sasha. Sasha wanted more from the agent and knew it was going to be hard to keep her hands off her after that make out session. Sasha opened the door but the agent held her back. The agent walked in first and turned to Sasha to tell her to keep quiet. Bayley hit a device on her jacket to block the listing devices. The men outside would think Sasha never came home.

Sasha signal for Bayley to move close so she could ask a question. "Is it ok for us to talk normally?" Bayley just shook her head no and moved atowards the lamp that was left on. Bayley grabbed the device put it in a box and than Bayley went into Sasha bed room. Bayley stood there for a moment looking at the bed. "Do we have time to have some fun together?" Sasha asked. "Not right now we need to get out of here before they noticed I removed the listing devices." Bayley whispered.

Bayley could tell Sasha was mad that they couldn't continue what they were doing in the hallway. Baylay ran a pin like object over Sasha luggage as Sasha grabbed her clothes. Bayley pulled out all the tracking devices and placed them on the floor of the closet. Sasha finished packing her bags and made sure she had everything. Bayley noticed that the van was still out front so she decided she would need to take out the men in side the van.

"Can we go?" Sasha asked. "Not yet the van is still down stairs. We don't want them to see you." Bayley said. Sasha was starting to get irritated and wanted to feel the agent hands on her body. Sasha watched as the agent walked over to the window and climb out. Sasha walked over to the other side of the room to see if the van was still out there. Sasha seen the agent moving across the street towards the van. Sasha noticed that the agent pulled something out and threw it in the van. Something about the agents name kept bothering Sasha. "The agents she been looking for was named Bayley. Could this agent be the one she been looking for the past year. Is that the reason she so dawn to the agent?" Sasha wonder to herself. Sasha didn't noticed the agent was heading back to the apartment building.

A few minutes later the agent climbed back through the window. Bayley noticed Sasha was lost in thought. Bayley placed a hand on Sasha shoulder to let her know that she was back. It took a minute before Sasha said anything. "What did you throw into that van?" Sasha asked. "I threw knock out gas in the van to buy us time and notify my boss to send someone out here to arrest the men. Are you ready to go?" Bayley asked Sasha. "Sasha grabbed her bags and headed towards the door. "Wait you need to make sure your hood is on." Bayley said. Sasha stopped so that Bayley could place the hoodie back on her head. Before Bayley placed the hoodie back on Sasha head, she leaned in once again and kissed Sasha.

Sasha returned the kiss right away and wrapped her legs around the agents waist. Sasha was enjoying the agent hands running over her ass. After a few minutes they broke apart. "We really need to go and we continue this when I know you are in a safe location. Are you ok with that?" Bayley asked. "Ok, as long as we can continue this thing between us." Sasha said. "I promise you we are not done but your safety comes first." Bayley said.

The agent grabbed Sasha bags and held Sasha close. Sasha couldn't believe she was falling for the agent so fast but knew she didn't want to lose her. Sasha noticed the agent hit a button on her jacket before walking out of the apartment. "What does that do?" Sasha asked. "It turned off the cameras until we get outside. But I want to keep you close just in case there someone else controlling the cameras." Bayley said.

Once outside the agent got Sasha in the car before placing her bags in the trunk. The agent joined Sasha in the car. "We need to sit here for a few minutes as the secret service pulled the three men out of the van." The agent said. Sasha noticed the agent boss was going over the area. Sasha noticed they took the van and three guys away. "Ok we can go now, it's about a 30 minute drive and than we will leave in a few hours to go to are final place to stay." Bayley told Sasha.

"Where is the other location at that we have to leave in a few hours?" Sasha asked. Bayley looked at Sasha with a puzzled looked, "What's the puzzle look for agent Martinez? If it a far away location I don't want you to do all the driving." Sasha said. "You amaze me and you are willing to go into hiding. Most people don't like being locked up with an agent. People do like there freedom. Please when we are alone together you can call me Bayley. Agent Martinez will get old fast with me Miss Banks." Bayley said. "Ok than I'll call you by your first name but you need to call me by mine. Is there anything else I need to know." Sasha asked.

"Yes, when we are in public call me agent Martinez. We need to be professional when we are in public as well, unless I instruct something different for your protection." Bayley said. "So kissing in public is off limits? Can I talk to you or you going to be like ever other secret service personnel that doesn't make contact with you unless my dad says so." Sasha said angrily. Bayley reached her hand over and touched Sasha cheek. Sasha could feel that loving sensation going through her body.

"I'm not going anywhere and I'm not going to stop talking to you. I need to make sure we are on the same page. Communication is the key to keeping you safe. Are you ok with that? Bayley asked. "I'm ok I guess. As long as your still going to talk to me. I had an agent that was signed to me and I was attracted to her just like I am with you. My dad got word that I liked one of the agents so my dad had asked for a new set of agents. He never knew which agent I was in love with so he replaced them all. All she left me was a red rose, her badge, a note saying her name and she loved me. I tried to find her but was told she was sent over sea. When I was required to go to the White House I would ask about the only female agent on that team at that time and no one would tell me what happen to her." Sasha said sadly.

"I'm assuming you never found out what happened to her?" Bayley asked. Sasha put her head down and looked even more sad. "I can't remember her last name to find her and I'm mad at myself for that. Someone that meant the world to me and I can't remember her full name. I see her in my dreams every night and just before she tells me her name I wake up." Sasha said. "I'm sorry you went through that. I don't think she meant to hurt you in anyway. I'm sure she missed you just as much as you missed her." Bayley told Sasha. Tears we're running down Sasha face and Bayley wiped away the tears. Bayley than made a u-turn with out warning and made a turn into a tunnel. Sasha was taken by surprise but felt adrenaline rush that turned her on.

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