Chapter 24

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Dream's pov

I can still feel spikes of negativity, but it's so scattered it makes it hard to tell where it's from. Nightmare, where are you? Just what are you doing? Horror is still feasting on his chicken, and Blue's in there, losing his shit over Dust's murder puns.

I feel lost over this whole situation, there's so much going on at once... too much. Great, I gave myself a headache from overthinking. Everything sucks and I hate this. Fuck. Why must you make me the sadsack #2 of the story, Weeby? Honestly, take an L.
(I'll take that into consideration.)


The beef with the author can continue later. For now, this is important information that must be heard. I step back into the cell, ready to hear what Horror has to say.

"Hmm, this chicken was good. Now listen closely, I'll only tell you once. Capiche?"


"We're listening."

"Nightmare's mansion is located in an abandoned timeline of a rare au... SwapHorrorFellTale."
(I made it up for shits and giggles, shut the fuck up.)

Blue and I exchanged glances.

"Never heard of that AU..."

It sounds... hella edgy. It sounds like someone gave Sans an edgy final battle with like, 200 phases and music on a sugar rush.
(No offence to anyone who makes AU Sans fights or themes-)

Horror shivered.

"It was once a horrible place... I think Nightmare made it worse-"

Horror admitted, sweating. Dust snickered.

"Pfft- he turned the monsters there into cannibalistic emo's- hahahha-"

"Shut up, Dust."

"Ahah- Sorry-"

Ink will surely be excited to hear where Error is. Or he'll be angry. Maybe a mixture of both? Hell if I know, his emotions are way out of whack.

Meanwhile, with Killer and Cross...

Killer was sitting on the couch, tossing a knife up in the air and catching it. Cross was sat next to him, posture straight, still as a statue.

"Ya think Nightmare's preparing for when Ink storms in here?"

Killer pointed out, catching the knife. Cross inhaled.

"I'm not sure. He seems... a little too invested in Error. Shouldn't he be giving us jobs to complete by now?"

Cross sighed, an unreadable expression in his eyes.
(Yeah I know they have eyelights and not eyes, shut up)

Killer and Cross sat in silence.

"You know, I crashed Error earlier. It's funny how he's so full of himself, yet he's so insecure and sensitive."

"You're an ass, Killer."

"Heheh, I know."

The silence casted over the room again, and Cross was deep in thought.

Nightmare was probably teasing Error through the door, practically daring him to try anything. That's what Cross and Killer assumed was happening.

And right they were. Upstairs, Nightmare sat outside the door, slowly beating down his hope that someday he'd be free again. Breaking his mind, his hopes, everything.

"You know, everyone's getting stronger and more powerful. Everyone but you. Soon, you'll be the weakest. So weak, all it'll require to take you down is a little punch across the face.

Wait... isn't that part of what happened when Ink captured you? Hahah... it's already happening. Soon you'll be forgotten, and left to rot somewhere for all eternity."

Cross flinched when he heard glitchy screams. Killer laughed.

Nightmare leaned against the doorframe, absorbing all the negativity. He teleported into the room, seeing Error crunched up on the ground, clutching his skull.

He crouched down in front of Error, tilting his face up with his fingers, wet tears trickling onto his fingers.

"Well, that's what would happen if I didn't care as much as I did. Error, I'd never forget about you..."

His eyelights had a deranged, possessive glow to them. Error willed himself to look away, to run, anything! But that gleam in his eyelight... it was almost addicting...

"Give yourself to me, and you can have whatever you want... mass destruction, terror everywhere..."

It almost looked like Nightmare's eyelight was... spiralling...? Error grunted, his head limp in Nightmare's hand. He couldn't look away.

"Error, I need you...~ We could rule the multiverse together..."

Nightmare's tentacles curled and swayed almost mesmerizingly. His grin only grew wider as Error's eyelights grew hazier and hazier.

"Say it. Say that you belong to me."

Nightmare urged, his face only coming closer, as he towered over Error almost threateningly. Error coughed, trying to stop himself from speaking. But he failed.

"HhH... Ī-Į... Ī bË-êłØń-ØńG tØ ń-ñ-ŃĪgHtMãRë..."

The words were said and sealed. Error's eyelights went out with a flash, and he stiffened, frozen in place. His consciousness went out with a bang.

Nightmare stood up, Error not moving. He giggled. Those giggles turned into laughs, which got louder and louder.


He clutched his skull, leaning back and laughing maniacally.

Cross and Killer could hear him, the laugher echoing. Cross and Killer held on to each other, quivering in fear.

It's all fun and games now, but things were about to get a lot more terrifying.

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