Chapter 1

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"Let's get a move on now. Don't want to be late." The poised lady said hurrying her children

"Make good choices please. And for my sake, don't ruin the family name." The almost silver haired man said grabbing his cane.

"Of course father." The young replica of his father said fixing his green tie.

"Luna, no need to be late darling." The lady said

"Coming mother!" The girl said as she helped the house elves carry her things down the grand stairs, her somewhat deeper blond hair flowing and being magically tied back into a slick pony tail

"Remember the rules?" Her father asked the children

"Yes father." They said together. "Stand up strait, Look proud, Don't disrespect our name, Don't talk to the Potters, And pass our classes." 

"Bravo, now you shall leave if you have no intention of being late." He said giving each of his children a stern look

"Yes father." They said in unison nodding their heads.

"C'mon, musn't be late." Narcissa told her children hurrying. As she and her children made it to platform 9 3/4 they encountered some friends. Luna spotted the house prefect, Anthony Goldstein, and went over to talk to him. He was a year ahead of him but she still had some decent conversations with him.

"Malfoy." He said with a nod

"Hello Anthony." She said dragging her stuff to stop beside her.

"If you have any trouble with anything lost, just tell me. I'll get it sorted out, as usual." He said making Luna smile. For some strange reason children kept taking her stuff and hiding them. Anthony Goldstein always helped her look for her things, it was his job after all.

"Luna, darling, let's keep the pace." Her mother called her over. She stood in front of her two children and put a hand to each of their shoulders. She knew that Luna wasn't hers but no one else knew, except her husband of course. She was sad that this was going to be their last year together at Hogwarts and she could feel the tears overwhelm her eyes.

"Mother, your embarrassing us." Draco stated looking at his friend, Blaise Zabini. He was talking to Pansy Parkinson about rubbish no one cared about.

"Oh, alright then. Good bye children." She said giving each of them a kiss on the forehead.

"Bye mother!" Luna squealed trying to skip off but her heavy bag versus her small body was a match no one needed, yet people were laughing. Narcissa grabbed her sons arm before he could walk away.

"What?" Draco snapped subconsciously. "Sorry mother."

"Oh, make sure to keep a close eye on your sister, you know how she is." Narcissa half grinned nodding in her only daughters direction. Draco knew that every year she somehow got into trouble. She had always had a strange connection to He-who-shall-not-be-named, she somehow had to destroy all his horcruxes. Draco knew the difficulty of destroying a horcrux because he had before. He knew he came from a family of retired death eaters, but he wanted to break free from the rumor that he was one.

"I know mother." He said putting his hand on his mothers cheek to let her know that everything was okay. She nodded hoping that this would be a normal year. She watched her children find their seats and a tear rolled down her cheek. She wished she would have told Luna the real reason for her visions of Voldemort but she was a 6th year now so it would feel strange telling her now.

Luna sat with her older brother and his friends. Whenever they would talk about things that were quite inappropriate he would have to cover her ears while she looked out the window humming.

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