Chapter 2

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"Where could you possibly be going? It's forbidden to walk around the train while it's in motion." Hermione said. Luna could tell that Hermione was definitely going to be a pain in the arse. Lucius, Luna's father, would've been proud at that behavior and language towards a mudblood, though it's was in her head.

"I can't sit here." Luna explained

"Why not?" Ginny asked trying to pull her new best friend into the compartment

"Stand down!" Luna said pointing her fancy wand at them "Stand down or I would- will hex you? Or Jinx you, whichever is worse."

"Okay calm down blondie, Gin-Gin here is not trying to cause any harm." Ron said pulling his sister to safety behind him. No matter how much he hated his sister, if she was in danger he would help.

"Ronald stop, you're overreacting. Malfoy here wasn't going to cause any harm. Right?" Hermione said asking Luna who was shaking while still pointing her wand at the now cowering young red head.

"St-st-stand down." Luna demanded trying to hide her stutter. Her stutter only ever occurred when she would do something her father would be proud of. While her brother, Draco, might be a mother's boy, she always tried to follow in her father's footsteps and make him proud.

"Okay, Luna was it? Hex Ron here." She said pointing to the muscley ginger protecting his sister. Luna shot a spell towards him and closed her eyes. She preformed a nonverbal spell, she didn't know what it did. She stood there with her eyes closed until she heard a voice.

"Bloody hell! Look what you did!" The older ginger exclaimed with a touch of annoyance. Luna opened her eyes slowly to see what mayhem she had caused.

"Oh my!" Harry laughed seeing what the small blond had done. Luna saw what she had done. Rons robes and tie were no longer red and yellow, she had changed their colour to blue and bronze.

"I'm s-so sorry." Luna stuttered before whipping back around and started to run off. Harry Potter grabbed her wrist before she left.

"Sit." He demanded and the small ravenclaw nodded slightly and slowly sat. Her wand was reprimanded by the group.

"Hand me my wand." She said not stuttering this time

"No." Said Hermione handing the wand to the tall ginger boy.

"I don't need my wand to fight all of you." Luna muttered as the younger ginger girl looked confused.

"What?" Ron asked as Luna grabbed his wrist swung him over and pinned him to the ground grabbed a clothing item from a bag and tied it around his wrists. Next she grabbed the big book out of Hermiones' hands and grabbed her ankles out from under her and tied her down. She took Hermiones book and hit the little ginger over and tied her to the ground. Last was the infamous, Harry  Potter. She grabbed the back of his robe and pulled him down to the ground.

"Stupefy." The boy yelled pointing the wand at the small Malfoy. She went flying back and hit the wall. She was knocked out, unconscious. The boy quickly untied his friends and they put Luna on the seat and tied her hands behind her back. When the girl awoke she seemed more pleasant than when she had attacked them. She looked around strangely and blinked.

"Who are you?" Hermione asked her realizing the girl was awake.

"Mione don't be stupid, we know who she is." Ron said

"Shh, Ronald." She swatted him away

"I'm Luna Malfoy..." She trailed off

"Is Draco your... brother?" Ginevra said cautiously

"Of course he is." Luna said rolling her eyes, a thing she was taught to do when someone asks a stupid question.

"How did you learn to fight like that?" Harry Potter asked, eager to ask his parents to let him learn.

"I was taught... by my father." Luna said. "Wait, why am I telling you all this?" She asked as Hermione hid something behind her back. Vertisirum, of course.

"Why do you keep attacking us?" Hermione asked

"Because I was told to." Luna said shyly

"By who?" Ron asked rudely

"My father." Luna said

"Why would he ask something like that of you?" Hermione asked

"Because 'Potter and his little weasle and mudblood don't belong here. People think it's so important that he was a seeker when he was only eleven.'" She quoted her fathers words. "Your father tried to kill mine!"

"Only because yours was a death eater." Harry said back

"He was trying to find the prophesy!" Luna recalled what she was told

"He already had it! He was caught trying to dispose of it!" Harry claimed

"What?" Luna calmed down and was confused

"You... you didn't know?" Harry asked looking at the girl

"He stole the prophesy and hid it somewhere." Hermione explained to the little blond girl

"Why would he do that?" Luna asked perplexed

"We don't know. I personally think he didn't want whoever the chosen one is, to find out." Hermione said

"Chosen one?" Luna asked having no clue what that meant.

"The chosen one? The girl who Voldemort couldn't kill. He killed her parents but for some reason couldn't kill her." Hermione explained

"Huh, I never heard that story before." Luna said

"Interesting. They say that she has a scar shaped like a lightning bolt on her forehead." Hermione said

"I kinda want to be her." Ginny said 

"I don't, she's the only one able to kill he who shall not be named." Harry said

"True." Ron said not having any clue what is going on. Luna sat in silence for the rest of the ride. All she could think was, What if it's me? Father made me always cover the scar I have on my head. He would just tell me that Malfoys can't have scars. 

When they made it to Hogwarts Luna dashed off to the ravenclaw table. She sat next to Lilith Hault another who should've been in Slytherin too. Their families have known each other since they abandoned the death eaters together years back.

"Why are you looking at the fucking Gryfindors?" She snapped

"How much do you know about the prophesy?" I asked her

Luna Lovegood~Malfoy: The chosen girlWhere stories live. Discover now