Chapter 4

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At first, my overflowing tears stopped me from seeing who the person that helped me take down the posters was, but after clearing away my tears once again, I saw Chanyeol. My friend.

A smile seeks on my face. I felt as if there was nothing that could bring me down anymore. All i ever wanted was a friend. Someone who can be my dream knight and help me when i need to be protected.  

Chanyeol POV

I made my way out of the classroom, trying to catch up to saejin. I was planning on asking her whether she wanted to join us for lunch. I started walking fast but then came to a sudden halt. Posters were everywhere and the writing on the top of them caught my eye. "Suicidal beg" how dare they? Anger ran  through my veins and I couldn't seem to control it. I continued walking and I saw saejin; she was crying and trying her best to take the posters down. I don't know what happened to me, all I knew was that I hated seeing her like this. Shes my friend and I needed to help her. I ran to her aid and instantly began to rip the papers of the wall.

I slowly came to my senses and realised there was no use, they were all over the place. All I could hear was giggling, I was past anger now it was time for me to do something about this. I looked straight ahead and saw minhae, she looked so pleased with herself. I walked up to her.

No one's POV

Chanyeol made his way to minhae, he stood directly in front of her and she shifted uncomfortably. "Did you do this?" Chanyeol asked sharply. Minhae stared at him and acted clueless. "Oppa...what are you talking about" shw said trying to act innocent. Chanyeol signed. "What has Saejin ever done to you?! If you didn't know let me tell you, this is called bullying." he said. "I didn't do anything last time but if this ever repeats again, dont ever come near me. Tiny pearls of tears started flowing out of Minhae.

"I'm sorry Oppa, I'm really sorry" she whispered. "I have no other choice to make you notice me other than taking all the girls that are near you away. I never wanted to be a bully. Sorry." Chanyeol looked at her with disgust.

"If your idea of wanting to make me notice you, is humiliating  saejin to the point where she cries, then there's something severely wrong with you"  chanyeol said in a monotone. There was no emotion in his voice. He was furious.

Minhae flushed a light pink and ran to the girls toilets with her little posse of girls instantly running after her.

Saejin's POV

I stood there staring at the ground. I've never been so humiliated or embarrassed in my life. I didn't know what to feel. I was glad that chanyeol stuck up for me, but what he doesnt understand is that minhae is going to have it in for me even more now.

Before I started talking to chanyeol I was lonely, so lonely. I had no one to confide in but I wasn't bullied; never to this extent. I didn't know what was worse. The constant feeling of isolation or the constant tormenting. I had just had enough.   Without looking at Chanyeol or even acknowledging what he done for me I walked away.

I returned to the empty class. "Achoo!" I sneezed. I must have caught a cold from the water that was thrown on me early. But i cant leave school now... it will seem like im trying to run away from all the bulling. I slowly sat down on my seat and waited for the next lesson.   I didnt want to go to the roof because i knew that chanyeol would find me there. "Achoo" i sneezed, again.

"Are you okay? Saejin-sshi" Baekhyun asked. Why is he here? I didn't want to be seen right now... i weakly got up of my chair and as i was about to walk i nearly fell over as i couldnt feel my legs But luckily i was caught by baekhyun. I landed in his arms.

Chanyeol's POV

After talking to minhae and calming down, i went to look for Saejin. I wonder if she's ok...maybe I acted too irrationally. I walked into my next class and  saw both saejin and baekhyun both standing awkwardly looking slightly embarrassed. I walked towards them and smiled hoping to break the tension.

Beakhyun's POV

I can't believe I caught her. That was way too cheesy. She quickly shuffled away clearly embarrassed. We both stood there in complete silence. I was just about to break it by asking her whether she wanted to hang out after school, when chanyeol walked in. Oh great, I guess I missed my chance. Again.

I was really bad at this sort of stuff, and she wasn't making it any easier. I looked at her face and noticed she looked really pale, I didn't like seeing her like this.   " should go home your face looks really pale" i said. "Let me take you home" me and chanyeol both said in unison. We stared at each other with a suprised expression and looked back at Saejin waiting for our answer.


Omo~ who will she choose?? Hehe^^





Also please read my friend (mursal12345)'s story:

I love you, my teacher

Exo fanfiction~ thanks

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