Chapter 15

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"Saejin-ah, all I'm saying is that you need to be more careful, I don't want anything to happen to you, I'm more angry at myself- I should never have ignored you over something so petty,I guess my jealousy took over me" he said gently.

We stood there for a few seconds, awkwardly. I didn't know what to say. Did he like Me? Is that why he was jealous? Because.... then I like him too, which is why I didn't want him to carry me in the first place- but there was no way I was going to say that. Chanyeol being Chanyeol ,broke the silence...Thank goodness

"hey saejin-ah, let's go back it's getting dark and everyone is worried"

I nodded and we made our way , I don't know why I was being silent. I wanted to say something but I guess I just wasn't confident enough. When we finally reached the camp we were welcomed with a scream.

SAEJIN! - how could you run away like that? You could have got lost or hurt. Next time you've got to tell someone. The teachers gaze then shifted to Chanyeol.

"YOUR EVEN WORSE- what if you both got lost" he yelled.

"Sorry" Chanyeol replied. We were then given a lecture and punishment which was to clean up all the plates after dinner. Great. Everyone else had got cosy around the campfire, sharing stories and eating marshmallows while me and Chanyeol were stuck washing their dirty plates.

They piled up one after the other. Chanyeol was washing while I was drying. Did he choose the harder Job on purpose? I stared at him and noticed a look of determination on his face as he scrubbed each and everyone.

"Am I that beautiful"?- he said, interrupting my thoughts. "N-no I wasn't staring at you" I stuttered feeling my cheeks become hot. He smirked to himself.

Chanyeol can be really teasy at times but thats one of the many reason to why i like him. "What are you smiling about" he looked confused. "U-um..nothing hehe its a secret" I said cheekily, causing Chanyeol to pout like a little puppy. I felt my heart beat faster making me turn my face away immediately. Ahh calm down!! I feel like its going to jump out anytime. Why is he so cute>~~

"Yahh~~" Chanyeol said as he splashed water onto my face. "Hey!!" I yelled, attacking back. It soon turned into a water fight, and by the end of it we were both drenched. "we should finish before it gets too late" chanyeol said laughing. I nodded.

[The next day]

Thinking back on it,  having a water fight was a terrible idea. I had caught a cold and my nose kept running. Wow. The timing was just so horrible. I slowly got out of bed and got ready. When I was done I stepped outside, and the cold hit me like a wave, I began to shiver but stopped my self. Now is not the right time to get ill.
It was our last day at the camping district. I sniffed as I got a tissue out of my bag, making my way to the seeting area.

Chanyeol and baekhyun were sitting beside each other laughing- whilst deep in conversation. I smiled to myself, my mission was complete although I didn't even do anything. They were finally talking. I was just about to sit down when someone obstructed my way.

It was minhae. I stared at her with a blank expression, trying to empathise the idea that I did not want to talk. But she wasn't backing down.

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