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I'm alive
Shino: You can't just set all your problems on fire.
Blake: You'd be surprised how many of them are flammable
Blake, holding up a mop: Kol? What do you call this?
Kol: A mop?
Blake: Flex, what did you say this was?
Flex, quietly: a wet broom.
Shino, to the tune of 'The Final Countdown': It's a mental breakdown~
Blake from the other room: *off-key kazoo*
Baby Shino, taping a knife to the Roomba: Be free my child.
A few minutes later...
Younger Database, coming into the room with a small cut on his ankle: WHO THE FUCK-
Blake, at Shino's funeral: Can I have a moment with him?
Everyone: Of course... *leaves*
Blake, leaning over Shino's coffin: Listen I know you're not dead.
Shino: Yeah no shit sherlock.
Database: Where's Shino?
Kol, remembering that Shino got his head stuck in a tuba after Database specifically told him to leave it alone and that he's supposed to cover for Blake and Parker (Blakes best friend) as they frantically work to free Shino's head from the tuba: Who's Shino?

Blake: Shino, the light of my life, my best of friends, the most beautiful person in the world.

Shino, a tired mom friend: Cut the crap Flame, what did you do.

Parker: She set the school on fire again.

Shino, now an angry tired mom friend: What. The. Fuck.


Avian: What are the best ways to take care of your mental health?

Yuuto: Talk about your feelings!

Levi: Keep active!

Kiyo: Eat some cereal.

Roxie: Recite a dark spell.

David: Throw your phone in a lake.

Nico: Kiss a slug gently

Database: Scowl.

Blake: Make fun of someone you don't like.

Shino: Lie down in the dirt and let mother nature slowly reclaim me.


Kol, tired but has to welcome the new first years: Hi, welcome to hell, please make sure you bring extra earbuds and a  medieval shield to protect yourself from the terror twins.

In the background, Shino and Blake can be seen terrorizing everyone in their path with several trash cans on fire. Shino is very obviously blind at the minute and is using his seeing stick to hit David over the head. Blake's chasing Flex down.


Database, an exasperated babysitter: No you cannot have a second dessert.

Little Shino, crying: How could you be so MEAN to me on my BIRTHDAY!

Database: Your birthday was nearly three months ago and you nearly got sick from eating so much cake, try again.

Little Blake, also crying: How could you be so mean to me on MY birthday!

Database: You have the same birthday.

Shino: and I only got ONE slice of cake on my birthday!

Database: Yes, because you ate an entire bowl of frosting when I wasn't looking.


Rikku: I drink to forget but I always remember.


Shino: That a whole ass capri sun.


Heads up, I'm not taking requests any longer so yeah.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2021 ⏰

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