I like FTO okay!

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I head-cannon that Viper and Lucas would get along really well. And Micheal emotionaly adopted Lucas, VipeDon't question it.
Lucas: If I die and you see someone you hate at my funeral, feel free to throw hands. It's what I would have wanted.
Viper: What I'm hearing is punch Inmo and which ever of your family members that show up in the face.
Lucas: Yes that was a formal invitation to punch my dad in the face.
Blake: Does anyone else ever get the random urge to get your life together in the middle of the night???
Lucas: Yeah, it usually wears off by morning.
Lucas, who was turned into a kid: *walks into the room covered in his own blood holding a rabbit that he fought from a hawk*
Divinus Magia:!?!?
Gallren, who got split from Lucas: *mouthing* I'm on the phone.
Divinus Magia: !!!!
Alumos: I hate the word nut, cum in a nicer word.
Viper, who's been with a sleep deprived Lucas the whole day: "Oh, look at the squirrels storing up cum or the winter."
Alumos: I regret this.
Lucas: Trick or bear?
Lopho: Bear?
Michael: *muffled laugh*
[Distant sounds of roars and chains clinking]
Lopho: Hold up-
Brandon, reading something that Lucas wrote out loud to the guild: "Oh, what a nice sheep.' I thought as I stared out at a field. The sheep facing away had started to raise its head. I stared in amounting horror as the head keeps rising, rising, neck elongating in some cursed spectacle that rooted me to the spot in fear until I realize, oh, its an alpaca.
Richie: Thought this was gonna be a short horror fiction, but no its a rural.

Lucas explaining why he left the continent he came from: It started with cooking meth and ended with political controversy.
The guilds: ?!?!!
Viper, who has heard all about this: Yeah, his brother's kinda weird, but the guy does make an interesting grand master.

Micheal, in reference of Lucas, Viper, and Silver: I wonder what my 3 traumatized screaming sons are up to. I hope their not trying to kill each other again. Geez, I've got to many kids.
Lucas, walks in with Kit: Hey Dad, I found another one.
Kit: Hi Dad.
Micheal: FOR FUCK'S-

I clearly don't know what in doing, please leave request. I'll actually do them.


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