Micheal is a bean UwU

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Ritchie's POV
Ritchie was heading to Grimshade to see Micheal. When he got there he wasn't to surprised to get tackled after walking into Micheal's office.
"How much coffee did you drink, love?" The blue haired male asked.
"Dunno!" Said the oddly hyper god slayer.
At this point Ritchie was being hugged to death by his boyfriend. On the floor. Again.
Micheal's POV
Micheal wasn't planing on letting go any time soon. He was going to keep Ritchie with him weather he liked it or not.
"Can you let me go?"
"Can we move to the bed that you have in here but never use?" Said the devil slayer with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
A little later
Ritchie's POV
Micheal had fallen asleep and Ritchie was slowly drifting off.
Brandon will kill me for not coming home, but who cares he thought at he fell asleep.
Sorry it's short!

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