The Order of Merlin

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Disclaimers: Dark themes, police state ideas, mention of spousal abuse on and off-screen, death of minor characters, graphic imagery and violence, frank sex discussion, copious bad language, bashing the fucking Weasleys and Dumbledore, liberties taken with mythical history.


The air in the room was seriously tense. On the one side was Narcissa Malfoy, standing in an almost regal pose, but waiting, Hermione thought, with dignified respect. Facing her with a look of dubious curiosity was Luna, with little Celesca tucked protectively close to her side. The little girl looked like she didn't know how to be, torn between these two forces literally crackling in the face of one another.

And in the middle of it all stood Hermione ... anxious, edgy, not at all sure how this was going to go.

It was Narcissa who broke the heavy silence between them.

"Miss Lovegood," she began in a solemn tone. "No words can convey my deep regret, my heartfelt sorrow over my son's terrible actions towards you all those years ago. Nor can they do justice to my irremovable shame at allowing you to suffer so horrifically. I am owed to be resented by you forever, and I would expect nothing less as my due. Know only that I was powerless to assist you, trapped as I was under the tyranny of the Dark Lord and my own husband. I mourned for you in the aftermath, but I do not deserve redemption, nor am I arrogant enough to seek it from you.

"I ask only that I be allowed to know your wonderful daughter, my only grandchild. I will respect any boundaries you set and hope, should you have it in you, that we may begin to forge a new relationship through our shared love of little Celesca."

Luna looked over at Hermione, in obvious surprise. Hermione raised her eyebrows in return.

"Thank you, Lady Malfoy, for your sympathy," said Luna. "I suppose I can accept that you were unable to help me, and maybe I'm transferring my hate of your son, and of The Dark King, onto you. I can make no promises that I can change that, but I will try, for the sake of my daughter. But I have expectations of you."

"Of course," said Narcissa, chancing a hopeful step forwards. "Name them."

Luna smiled weakly. "I expect you to spoil her, to love her rotten, to pass on all your knowledge and skills to the best of your abilities. You know things about her unique talents that I can only guess at. She has great need for your guidance, and I expect you to help her however you can."

Narcissa smiled warmly. "I can do all of that, Miss Lovegood. I promise you that and so much more. She will want for nothing that I am able to provide."

"Good. I'm glad of that," said Luna. She knelt down and turned Celesca to face her. "I'm going to leave you alone to talk with your grandmother for a bit. You be a good girl, be polite and respectful and ask all the questions you can think of."

Celesca grinned mischievously. "I'm always a good girl, Mummy."

"Yes, you are," Luna smiled fondly at her daughter. She stood and turned to go.

"I'm staying," Hermione announced stubbornly, throwing a look at Narcissa for a challenge. It never came. She turned back to Luna. "I'll bring her back to you when they're done."

"Thank you," said Luna, smiling appreciatively. "I'm going to be in the stables, grooming the unicorns. This dry weather is attracting doxys to their coats."

"Ooh, I'd like to see the unicorns!" cried Celesca in her excitement. "You will take me there later, won't you, Miss Hermione?"

"Of course, sweetheart," said Hermione. "Now, go and meet your Grandma properly. I'm sure you have lots to talk about."

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