The Terrible Head Dragon

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Disclaimer: Dark themes, police state ideas, mention of spousal abuse, death of minor characters, graphic imagery, frank sex discussions, the fucking fucking Weasleys. I'm exploring dark places in my writing, this story reflects that. Be warned.


The door to the chamber opened again. Hermione looked up expectantly, her heart yearning for Harry. But, again, it was not he who entered. A witch was approaching them at a swift pace. She was similarly robed to Neville and she moved with a grace and ease that Hermione envied. She'd never really walked properly since that time she'd been disciplined by Ron for staying out too late on one of Susan Bones' birthday parties. Her hips ached appropriately as the memory struck her.

The witch stepped up onto the platform and stopped at Neville's side.

"Harry's injured and he needs us immediately," she said sharply, worry etched into every nuance of her voice. "We need to prepare the ritual circle for healing right away."

Neville stood. "Where are your manners?" he admonished. "We have guests."

The witch pulled back her hood. Hermione saw that she was astonishingly beautiful. Porcelain skin framed by shiny black hair, which fell past her shoulders in shimmering waves. She had bottle-green eyes and a soft look, that made Hermione think of the sun coming out after the rain. And the way she spoke about Harry ... it made Hermione unreasonably jealous.

She needn't have worried.

"Hermione, may I introduce my - rather uncouth - wife, Enola," said Neville, sliding an arm around the witch's waist. She smiled back warmly. The affection between them resonated off the pair like a visceral heat. Hermione felt that jealousy and longing surge again.

"Wife?" she repeated, gathering her senses. "Congratulations, Nev. You've gone from dead to married in the space of half an hour!"

Enola laughed and held out a dainty hand for Hermione to shake. "If you like that, wait till you hear about our daughter!"

"Daughter?" said Hermione, her mouth forming a perfect 'o'. "You brought a child into a world like this? You must be very brave."

Neville fixed her with a steely determined look, but it was his wife who answered.

"She wasn't planned," said Enola, smiling adoringly at Neville. "But she was the happiest accident we could have imagined. Besides, when Harry and Neville fix this broken world, it will be quite the beautiful playground for her. And she's very safe here with Harry to look after her. We aren't worried on that score."

Hermione could only blink as she tried to process everything. "Is she ... I mean...has she shown any signs of witchcraft?"

"Alison is barely one year old," Neville explained. "She has learned to turn the nightlight of her crib on and off, but that's about it. Accidental magic doesn't come easily in my family. But I'm sure her babbling counts as advanced spell work in her little mind!"

Neville and Enola shared a fond laugh.

"I'd love to meet her, if you'll allow me," said Hermione. "Merlin, it's been so long since I've had anything to be happy about. Meeting a baby might be just the tonic."

"You'd have to prize her away from the in-laws," said Enola in a good-natured huff. "I can hardly get a cuddle with my own daughter when those two are around."

Hermione stared at Neville. He grinned at her. "But your parents, Neville ..."

"Were long-stay patients at St. Mungo's, yes," said Neville quickly. "Harry and I liberated them a long time ago. We knew that Riddle and his Cleansing Squads would get rid of the elderly and the infirm first to make way for their new order insanity. The permanently baffled were high on that list too. Harry rescued them a couple of years back."

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