Chapter 4: The Dream

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I was in a dark room. No light was there at all. The only things that could be seen were nine pairs of eyes looking down on me in the middle of the circle I appeared to be inside of. But there were ones that caught my attention. The purple ones with a ripple pattern on them. "The Rinnegan," I thought to myself. I looked around and saw another pair of eyes that I recognized. They frightened me. The vermilion iris with what seemed like three black commas surrounding the pupil. "The Sharingan. The eyes of that Uchiha ninja who murdered his entire clan and became a rouge ninja. He joined the-" My train of thought was disrupted when someone in the circle spoke, directly at me.

"We have been watching you, Kasai," The voice came from the owner of the Rinnegan. Those lavender eyes stared deep within my soul, expecting a reply.

"How do you know my name?" I asked, distracted by the use of my name from a total stranger.

"We have ways of gathering information," A guff voice said. It came from the pair of eyes to the right of the Sharigan.

The Rinnegan's owner continued, "It seems you have great talent. You could be of great use to this organization."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, becoming more and more frightened with every second that passed.

"Isn't it obvious, b****? Even I f****** know what he means," Said a pair of violet eyes.

"Now Hidan, that is no way to treat our guest." Another voice said, one that was feminine, yet reprimanding.

"We are an organization who has a very specific goal, one which cannot be attained without the strongest ninja. We believe that you could be one of these ninja who would be of great use to obtaining this goal," The Rinnegan continued.

"Me? Why me? I'm just an ordinary ninja from Konaha. I'm not one of the best-" I was cut off by another voice in the room.

"You are better than you think, un." Said the lone slate blue eye.

"If you think there are ninja stronger than you, the only ones I could think of would be the Sannin of the Hidden Leaf." Said a normal pitched voice that came from the pair of yellow eyes, one with a pupil and one without.

"The last time we had one of the Sannin in this organization, he tried to steal the Sharingan but failed and left. I've been tracking him with sleeper agents to make sure he won't spill any of our secrets out to the public," A low voice came from the shortest pair of eyes in the room.

A lower voice coming from the same direction of the yellow eyes said, "You fool, although she is strong, she has no where near the power of the Sannin; Tsunade, the granddaughter of the First Hokage and the greatest medical-ninja of the ninja world. Orochimaru, the prodigy of his generation who seeks immortality."

I heard the violet eyes scoff at 'seeks immortality'.

"And Jiraiya, the toad sage who sought out the Child of Prophecy. These three went down in history as the greatest ninja of all time. She is no where close to their level," The yellow eyes finished.

"Jiraiya... Our old sensei....," The Rinnegan looked over at the amber eyes whose owner had the feminine voice. Her eyes looked downcast when the Rinnegan mentioned the word 'sensei'.

"If you're not powerful, you're intelligent. I saw you take out an entire group of ninja from my village without killing them," Said a voice coming from green eyes without pupils.

"I might make good choices in battle, but I'm not the strategist behind the madness. I just carry out what that person says," I tried to convince the nine pairs of eyes watching me, but it wasn't working.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2013 ⏰

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