Chapter 6

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...It was the day after Jimin pushed me down and drank my blood. Though I felt fine, Jisung commanded I was to do no housework today.

Unable to concentrate on reading or writing, and with little else to do, I sat by the fountain and watched the clouds.

I keep thinking about what Jisung said.

After yesterday, it wouldn't be weird for my answer to be an enthusiastic 'yes!' Leaving no longer means running out into the streets. Namjoon promised me accommodations, with no strings attached... yet, I still couldn't answer him. I didn't have an answer now, either.

Up above, the clouds raced by, playfully unconscious of my cloud even drifted down from the sky to land on me - wait, wait, wait! That was DEFINITELY not right! This isn't a cloud! It's a piece of paper! And there's more of them!

"Where are they coming from?! ...Looks like someone left one of the second-story windows open!"

A stream of sheets came fluttering out in a white stream, carried by the wind.

They're going everywhere! I better catch them before one lands in the fountain! As I began to gather them up, I realised I knew this particular group of papers - this is "The Adventure of the Mysterious Resident." Jimin's latest story.

I didn't think too hard about it as I was reading it, but - this story seemed to be saying the same thing Jimin was saying... now, just because there is a door, and a woman being compared to a rabbit doesn't mean he wrote the story about me. But if it was written about me - then how revealing were the protagonist's last words?

"...Fear protects the gentle."

I took the recovered manuscript with me and went to see Namjoon.

"...Merci, Namjoon."

Thanking him, I shut the door to his room. I'd be so eager to see Namjoon, it just struck me that I still held Jimin's manuscript. Next is, find Jimin and give this back to him.

"Is that you, (Y/n)?"

I turned around to see Jimin. He stood at the end of the hall, looking at me. Then he walked right on up to me standing so close our shoes nearly touched.

"You were speaking with le Comte? ...Ah, finally told him you've had enough of this place and wish to leave?" - "Actually, the opposite."

Jimin's mouth formed a thin line. I met his eyes, feeling a strange rush of confidence as I did.

"I came to tell him I'm staying until the hourglass runs out and the door opens. He seemed pleased when I informed him."

Jimin's still a mystery to me. If I could tie him down and get all my questions answered right now, I would. But since I've been offered time here - I wanted to use part of that time to figure out why he'd written that story. Why he looked so troubled when he bit me.

He wrote mystery stories. His own actions were a mystery. Maybe it was time I donned a deerstalker cap and tried to solve it. Maybe this mystery had been given to me...?

"By the way, Jimin, I think we're even on the whole 'biting' business." - "Even? What do you mean?" - "I bit you the first night. And while mine couldn't have felt as goo-... ahem... while you deserved it, I imagine mine hurt more. So, in my mind, that little bite in your room was you getting back at me."

Jimin stared at me blankly. Then, with an almost gentlemanly gesture - ...he caught a lock of my hair. The strands fell through his gloved fingers like water.

"We may be even now, but what would you do if I bite you again, eh?" - "You'll have to get close enough to find out! But let's see, if you do bite me... I'll do something that'll be even worse." - "...Like what?" - "I'll bite you so hard you'll be sore for days! We'll see who's making 'sweet' sounds now! Your pain will be music to my ears!" - "You're serious about that, aren't you?" - "You'd better believe it!"

I shot him a grin. It was a forced grin, in truth, because I was still nervous around him. Not as nervous as before, however.

"You are truly... you are truly a tough opponent! I'll keep your dastardly threat in mind. But you might not need to worry about your reprisal, you know." - "And why not?" - "I've received something of a stern lecture for le Comte after biting you. He's absolutely forbidden me from laying hands or fangs on you without your permission."

That's a relief.

"And what happens if you do?" - "Excellent question. Shall we find out?" - "...Remember my threat!"

Jimin chuckled with delight.

"To answer your question, if I go against his command, I'll be forced to leave the mansion. I've grown rather fond of life here, so I'm in no hurry to break the rules. That being said..."

He held his hand out to me.

"Are you offering me a handshake?" - "Yes. An agreement between proper gentle-... people. Give or take myself."

Vampire or not, I don't know if there's anything 'proper' about you, Jimin... but a handshake is a handshake.

I took his hand and gave it a firm shake.

"All right. Just remember the rules and my threat, and I think we'll get on... decently." - "Splendid. Oh, but I must add..."

Still holding my hand, Jimin tugged gently. I found myself drawn forward, stumbling - was it his strength, or had I been off balance? Regardless, Jimin caught me. Blue eyes shining down upon me like sapphires.

"...The rules don't forbid me from doing anything as long as you ask for it first. If you want me, I'm always ready." - "Ahem! I'll thank you to let go!"

Jimin released me. I backed away. And here I thought dealing with him would become easier. Never let my guard down!

"I must be going now. I've got a very precious appointment to keep." - "Is it work related?" - "Combine work and pleasure? Never! I've got a date, you see."

...Of course he does. I shouldn't expect one lecture from Namjoon to change Jimin so dramatically. There was something comforting in the familiar. Even if the 'familiar' in this case was Jimin's exasperating ways.

Halfway down the hall, he stopped.

"Before I go, can I trouble you with a question...?" - "What is it?" - "Say a gunman was holding you hostage-..." - "Wait! Stop! Hold on! This isn't anything like your 'Detective' game, is it?" - "Simple curiosity, I assure you... they have you at gun point and are ready to shoot. These are your last moments. You're trussed up. You have no weapon on hand or in reach. What do you do...?" - "What would I do?"

Well, I'd try not to get in that desperate situation in the first place! But if I were, let's see, how would I attempt to save myself...? I placed myself in the scene Jimin had created for me - and I found my answer.

"I'd try and talk to them." - "Talk to them?" - "Unless I know something about them, everything else I could do has an equal chance of success or failure. But if I can talk to them, as a person, I might get through to them, get them to see me as a person too. Maybe even let me go?"

Jimin repeated my answer quietly.

"...Jimin?" - "It's nothing. Nothing at all. I just found your answer very telling." - "Did I answer correctly?" - "Who can say? By the way, (Y/n), you can return that manuscript to me later... I'd be very pleased if you came by my room in private to do it." - "The manuscript? Oh, the manuscript!"

"The Mysterious Resident" I'm still holding it!

"Since you're here, why don't you just take-... where did he go? Jimin?!"

He'd disappeared down the hall. Already, the sounds of his footsteps were fading. He's a slippery one! Goes where he pleases. Does what he pleases. Says what he pleases. Definitely a cat person... so be it. I didn't hate a free spirit. And I was already beginning to enjoy this new mystery story: "(Y/n) and the Adventure of Sir Park Jimin."


...After parting with (Y/n), Jimin sighed.

"Strength in innocence, he says? Perhaps (Y/n) is stronger than I give her credit for."

Caution and curiosity. Innocence and strength. Little did the two of them know-... those simple words would spin off into a story of a love both undeniable and unconquerable.

PJM | Temptation in the dark | Jimin x Reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now