Chapter 14

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Several days later...

Taehyung was visiting his friend Jackson to give him the good news.

"...And so they solved my case?" - "Yeah. And Madame Colette was really happy to have her dog back. It's good news all around." - "Blessings for your glad tidings. I should very much like to give him my thanks in person, but I believe it best we keep my name out of it for the nonce." - "Well, it seems a shame to me, but if you're sure, then I won't tell Jimin." - "Thank you for understanding, Taehyung."

A bright smile bloomed on Taehyung's face as he remembered something.

"Oh, that's right. I meant to tell you that they've started getting more cases! (Y/n) and Jimin, that is." - "...Is't so?" - "They got kinda famous after finding the dog, so now people all over the neighbourhood are asking for their help. Recently, it seems like (Y/n) and Jimin are going out every day to help people." - "Most curious."

They spoke of friendly matters for a while more - the bard and the painter - before Jackson saw his good friend off. He stood at the window, watching Taehyung go. In the shadows, his amber eye took on the blood-soaked tinge of his other.

"...I ask your pardon for my abuse of your trust, Taehyung. Such a small matter required the talents of neither a detective nor a wordsmith. But this I know; it takes a much to unchain a man from his writer's desk... and I had need of Jimin, such that he be visible to the public eye."

There was no repentance in his thin smile.

"I had not expected additional requests would come his way. Let us consider them goodly rehearsals before my own play is complete. You may act in what stories you wish, but as to the pages your tragedy is most suited for - they will be penned with my quill, gentle Park Jimin."


...Ever since 'The Adventure of the Baker's Dog' Jimin and I had been inundated with requests for help.

"Are you finished with work?" - "Yes I am. How about you?" - "Finished as well. At least, I've written up to an excellent stopping point." - "Ruff ruff!"

Vic barked in response. We smiled.

"Sounds like all three of us are ready!" - "Then shall we depart on our new case?" - "Going out into the city?" - "Namjoon!" - "Yes, as a matter of fact. But don't worry, Comte. I'm still obeying the rules. Not to mention (Y/n)'s so strict with me, I've not opportunity to sweep her off her feet!" - "Maybe I'm strict because your focus should be elsewhere, famous writer? Hmm?"

Namjoon smiled as he listened to us.

"Then it seems I can rest at ease. I didn't stop you for anything in particular. Enjoy your outing, (Y/n). Jimin." - "Merci, Namjoon. We're off!" - "Ruff!"


After bidding them goodbye, Namjoon entered the dining room...

"Taehyung, Jeongguk. I'm happy to see you both. And Jisung, I see you're working hard."

The two Kim brothers paused before their stack of pancakes to nod at him.

"What was that barking in the hallway?" - "(Y/n) and Jimin left on another case. They took Vic with them." - "So that's why I heard two dogs. Wish I had as much time to walk my pets as that bespectacled nib-nibbler." - "Jeongguk, it's not nice to call people names." - "...And you're too nice, Taehyung. In fact, you're too nice for this world." - "Tea, Monsieur le Comte?" - "Merci, Jisung."

Namjoon drank his tea with the same old-world grace that flowed from his every action. Thinking of something, he smiled.

"...It's a relief to see (Y/n) and Jimin getting along so well." - "It is as you say, Monsieur le Comte. One might have expected they would never get along, having seen them that first night. Now, you would be hard pressed to believe they'd ever shared a disagreement... how I wish I could take her place..." - "You misplace something, Jisung?" - "Ahem. It was nothing, Master Jeongguk. Would you like another cup of tea?" - "I'm happy they're getting along. I love that (Y/n)'s doing so well, of course, but I don't think I've seen Jimin this happy before... that was a really good idea Jackson had."

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