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THE FAINT BUZZING in Brittany's ears was enough to drive her crazy. But she could barley think about they when Jack's face was mere centimeters from hers. Her eyes fixed on his while he g,aced from her lips to her eyes. Maybe it was the alcohol taking control of what he was doing but he sure felt as if it was right.

It felt like a lifetime before Jack's warm lips finally met hers. She melted under his touch. He grasped her waist and held her tight as if she'd slip through his fingers with any given chance. Brittany liked this side of Jack, the side where she felt t,Ike she might actually have a chance with him. The side where he never wanted to left her go. But this side on,y showed when he was buzzed. She didn't know if this was real or not but she could feel her heart breaking every second she though about it.

She pulled away from his warmth and Jack whimpered. He didn't like the feeling of her lips not on his. He was starting to talk for her but her insecurities were too big for he to notice. "I-I'm sorry Jack" she said to the boy before quickly finding her way out of the crowd. Jack had to take a few second to comprehend what just happened. He was so sure that she was in to him but she just apologized and left. He quickly regained himself and followed the blonde girl through the crowded room.

He caught her wrist as she was just making it out side. He pulled her to his chest and took her chin in his hand. "What's wrong babe" he asked, searching her eyes for answers. Within the time of him knowing her, he found he can red her through her eyes. Another reason she fell for the idiot, he always seemed to hold eye contact with her.... it made her feel special.

"I'm sorry Jack, I just can't right now. This is all too much, I don't know what to believe. Heck I don't even know if this is reality or if I'm just dreaming but if I am I don't want to wake up and at the same time I do. I want it to be real but my insecurities are so loud right now and I don't know what to do" Brittany explained her feeling in a jumbled mess of words while Jack listened to her intently.

"Everything will be ok"

Broooooo- I'm pretty
ok w this chap not
even gonna lie to ya

How we feel about it?

Love you all sm

- xx Kora

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